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Where do you park it?


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Bit of a strange question, but after splashing out on your pride and joy like I am about to I am already fearing car parks.


The question is; what do you guys do in terms of parking? I hate the scumbags who get a 10 second thrill of keying because of jealousy (god knows why people do this - if only they knew how much work and effort goes into these cars), and also what do you do about the old biddy and kids who swings the doors open wacking your lovely shiney car to pieces?


I've rarely seen any type of stunning car in car parks and because of the above there are good reasons why. However, you guys go out in your cars, many who use them as daily drives - do you get any issues because it is a real sports car that pretty much stands out of the crowd (esp when modded)?


Just wondered because this will be my only car - and at times I will have no choice but to park up in a local shopping center car park praying no one does anything to it...

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I try to find a corner spot and park as close to the kerb as possible....Failing that (and I do feel like arse doing this) I will take up two spaces. sadly nice cars act like a magnet; if you park in an empty area I can guarantee some plonker will park next to you :dry:


Then I get moaned out for making the other half walk in the rain to the shops...

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;) I park the furthest away possible if, and thats a BIG IF I have to go to a supermarket, and then it is over 2 spaces where available ;)

I totally avoid multi-story car parks because of crazy deep ramps, and narrow bays! :headhurt:

Basically, I park as far from another car as possible!

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I have to agree - I'm not too concerned over the security of the car. You'd have to be either a total idiot or pro to steal a car in a packed car park.


I'm just concerned about popping to the local super market or parking up in the local shopping center for a few hours and coming back to find Mrs Gladis decided to swing her door open and drive off without a care in the world. :rant:


I see a fair few zeds and tons of other stunning cars like modded Evo's, Scoobs even the odd Ferrari or two - but rarely ever see them parked up (lets face it, sooner or later your going to have to park it other than back at home).

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  Rory said:
I always park in the furthest away corner possible. However nearly every time without fail I come back to find someone has parked in the space next to me even though theres loads of other free spaces :rant:


+1 Happens all the time. The Zed appears to be a numpty magnet. :wacko:

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Try parking it over here in Froggy land. Have you seen how they park (perhaps a better word is abandon :doh: ) over here :rant:

Every time I leave it somewhere I hope and prey that it will not get any of the famous Froggy car park dents and so far :thumbs:

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i would never park over two spaces, some people would probably be angry enough over that to do something to your car. I always park as far away from everyone else as i can though. I don't care how far away from the shop door i am!

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I have done all of the above and i still have six, yes six door dents all on the nearside, I actually saw someone doing it in Tesco's to my car and it very nearly ended up in a fight!!.. the bloke was a complete arse!


I have only had the car 6 months!!

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  DJsickboy said:
I have done all of the above and i still have six, yes six door dents all on the nearside, I actually saw someone doing it in Tesco's to my car and it very nearly ended up in a fight!!.. the bloke was a complete arse!


I have only had the car 6 months!!


WTF??..6 dents on one side?? Thats got to be a world record on the site?!! Thats crazy, I hope you ge them sorted, or get a new door m8!! :surrender:




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To be fair a cars just a car. I would park the G everywhere, Tamworth Snowdome:




I used to do multistoreys, busy streets etc. I even parked it half a mile from Anfield amoungst dozens of other cars on those terraced streets whilst i went to the game.


Never any problems. Paid too much money for it to not use it every day. :)

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I know where the widest carparks are, always zero in on those, end ones of course, park as close as possible to the curb, and fold the wing mirrors in, so they don't get damaged either. All this done and I still have 4 door dings, which will be sorted out before long. ;)

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