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Email question

Martin W

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Anyone know how to solve this


I got a mail from Rileys Limited today (Stockton)




The TO address doesn't show, but i think when I first opened it i saw it had been sent to




How do I get to display the mailed to address in OUtlook :thumbs:

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I don't use Outlook at home so I'm trying to think what I would do at work... don't you just hover over the mail in your inbox, right click and click on properties to show the send path? Not sure if that helps, I'm sure somebody more knowledgeable will be along shortly!

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I don't use Outlook at home so I'm trying to think what I would do at work... don't you just hover over the mail in your inbox, right click and click on properties to show the send path? Not sure if that helps, I'm sure somebody more knowledgeable will be along shortly!




I already trawled through the Internet headers... :angry:


I hate spammers!






Received: from aamtain04-winn.ispmail.ntl.com ([])

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Mon, 20 Apr 2009 15:46:03 +0100

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Mon, 20 Apr 2009 15:46:01 +0100

X-VirusChecked: Checked

X-Env-Sender: Stockton@rileysltd.com

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Subject: FW: Were Missing You!

Date: Mon, 20 Apr 2009 15:46:16 +0100


X-MS-Has-Attach: yes


Thread-Topic: Were Missing You!


X-Priority: 1

Priority: Urgent

Importance: high

From: "RILEYS Stockton"

X-Cloudmark-Analysis: v=1.0 c=1 a=H_es7uPQAAAA:8 a=7QXu73FtI2GtDVy7OIYA:9 a=gsVqYMw69j6HtEHSjyUA:7 a=xU_V02sPzqGJ7Yg_GLcgC7qDszIA:4 a=7KhdZwUXQgdE9cQw:21 a=-2sKszfN63gDKZlf:21 a=SSmOFEACAAAA:8 a=nIQ_3my7f9IrhjVxF9oA:9 a=wNTC_dUN1Rfhf4svEaoA:7 a=XyVEavgVBLCyCKtU2wv3coqYLtIA:4 a=j4H6XBEPU_yNZdYca_gA:9 a=Xbnx7C3w_2X6dfCkeGOkDaJIBr8A:4 a=1Vq_FK4TplAA:10 a=k5bMyiK-ulsVz3gXsZYA:9 a=9uO8g6INmXUg6PSo:18 a=uCTgsOeqpUR3r5Ls:18 a=n9BImB2jlLei9ZXb:18 a=0PHoBciysXF5g4hdV3IA:9 a=XVI1kTQ5OuqP_RQn_B8mUFrHwQQA:4 a=rVnDm9A_-c-k2ki-JAcA:9 a=Yz-TxShKl_xbbSFJIzwA:9 a=zRr_hYzawIrp92FeDvFAvl_E3vkA:4 a=KQqxNPgzF0kA:10 a=j_BzydXaOW9k5FH0:18 a=xYhH3X-eyFf5W5pctHIA:9 a=gc77I6NEX_NWGPdIFqkwr4e6oNgA:4 a=HXjIzolwW10A:10 a=6nyQSsYiwKSYoxhU:18 a=vACXKkmv4DEZxbViDSMA:9 a=6OEbeFtq-ehhc84RAkn2J2EQq9UA:4 a=1iOdYhA_Yu-kJuwOlPMA:9 a=QsFQhH6M3zFU3f05:18 a=oWn4o3STlbpYw7DX:18 a=5zRLJdEMG43ksbMu:18 a=nu-1mF2a_3BSFbAVMl0A:9 a=AqD7D4wjfnVJQca5veqKtaOGzyYA:4 a=npVY16dec_ECe_-C:18

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This is the wonderful world of emails for you. You can send it looking like its going to or coming from any email address by using the display names. I have seen it used a lot so it looks like you've sent the email to yourself! :lol: What the true email address is you should be able to find in the "raw" email, but display names can be set to anything. Also the sender email address can be sent to anything as the email actually comes from the server not a partiuclar email address. You can have some great fun running your own SMTP server doing this, not that I would condone it, and acutally most ISP block the port anyway :blush:

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This is the wonderful world of emails for you. You can send it looking like its going to or coming from any email address by using the display names. I have seen it used a lot so it looks like you've sent the email to yourself! :lol: What the true email address is you should be able to find in the "raw" email, but display names can be set to anything. Also the sender email address can be sent to anything as the email actually comes from the server not a partiuclar email address. You can have some great fun running your own SMTP server doing this, not that I would condone it, and acutally most ISP block the port anyway :blush:


I know some of this chris, so when i login to places like my350z.com, i'll use an email login such as




so i can trace any spam back to the source site.


but what i can't find in the mail is any trace of the mail address this one got sent to!!! Its like outlook doesn't want me to find it! :rant:

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You'll have been BCC'd on it to make sure you dont know who else it went to. And Outlook will hide half the crap you want to see ;) I think you will struggle to get the raw email from Outlook, but sounds like you may have done it. Gmail does a much better job of showing you everything :thumbs:

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