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rant about police.....

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hi guys... just having a quick rant about a copper that pulled me over today...


well here goes the story...

my uncle asked to borrow my car this morning to collect something so i was like alright.. this was about 11am..

come 4 oclock i head to the cinema to watch fast n furious... started driving.. came to a big roundabout... the 40 zone i was previously in turned in to a national speed limit before i turn off at the roundabout... i watched a coppa come round the roundabout eye balling me... ok.. young guy in a kanny nice car.. fair enough... so its clear and essentially follow him onto the national speed limit...


he drives very very slowly.. so i mirror signal manouvered and overtook him in 4th gear from 30 mph.. so i wasnt driving in a arsehole manner.. literally 2 seconds later.. the blues come on... no hard shoulder or anything so i pull over at the side of a 2 lane motorway....

walks upto the car and the conversation goes like this...


hot fuzz: i would like to have a STERN (spat on my face at this point) talk about your appalling driving earlier on in the morning

ho: sir this is the first time ive been in my car all day...


hot fuzz: NO ITS NOT...I WAS SAT AT THE SIDE OFF THE ROAD TODAY IN MY OWN CAR AND I SAW YOU TODAY GOING DOWN PONTELAND ROAD CONVOYING VERY RAPIDLY THROUGH TRAFFIC.. i was off duty then so you were lucky i couldnt nick u.. you undertook the black bmw and proceeded to "race with him" .. i would just like to remind you that you should not drive in this manner.. it is not safe and i have the right to take this vehicle off u right now because of the appalling driving standards i witnessed today..blah blah blah... (10 minutes of him speeching at me about road safety+ shouting)...... is there anything you would like to ask me???


ho: there nothing i feel i need to ask but i really would just like to say

ho: sir this really is the first time i've drove my car... i respect what you saying and agree but it really wasn't me



hot fuzz: well who was driving??????


ho: my uncle (i laughed a little...as if he saw the car then he would have seen my uncle who is a 43 year old white man???)



hot fuzz:i dont think this is a laughing matter son... i dont care who was driving... your car stands out like a sore thumb and if i ever catch this car doing anything wrong i will be all over u and then proceeded to give the same speech as per above.. another ten minutes as too why my uncle shouldnt drive like that and if he got caught the car would be taken off him.....


ho: ok sir... i understand.. is there anything else sir because quite frankly ive just missed a film i was going to watch... thank u



hot fuzz: no thats all... DRIVE SAFELY



now dont get me wrong.. i see his point of view.. but if he witnessed my car doing this? then he must have seen the driver?? yes he;s my uncle but he is also a 43 year old white man with light brown hair??? so wtf!?!?!? i really would have liked an apology for what he said to me as i did nothing wrong and i made it clear from the get go that this was the first time i drove my car that day... and agreed it wasnt me so why did he feel the need to bollock me for my uncle? so seriously WTF did i do wrong today??? propa pi**ed off





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Police are stnuc :lol:




Some cops feel the need to lecture the world, and get very upset when people refused to be lectured. Think it would be fair enough if he'd pulled you if he thought you had been driving earlier in the day, that's his job. But without evidence there's nothing he can do, so a quick advisory word should really suffice, and none of this 'I could seize your car due to your driving manners earier in the day when I saw a car that's looks similar to yours.' Your solicitor would have a field day. Time's are changing and some police need to up the ante a little. :)

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I'm tempted to say report him for being a nonse but then he'll just be out to get you even more. Best thing is to take it on the chin. He knew he couldnt do anything more than lecture you, so just humouring him as you did was the best action. And tell your uncle to stop driving like an idiot :nono:

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Seems a little harsh when he had no evidence.


I agree some police are idiots however you do get decent officers too.


Unfortunately the idiots stick in your head when you think back........



I could tell you word for word some the conversations I've had with idiot coppers - especially the 'you're definitely on drugs' one and the 'why are your fog lights on?' one.......

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Want to prevent him doing it again? Ask him if he can write the report up for you to have a copy. Then ask him for his police number and his superior's name. Make a point of writing it down..... ;)

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Want to prevent him doing it again? Ask him if he can write the report up for you to have a copy. Then ask him for his police number and his superior's name. Make a point of writing it down..... ;)

I didnt know you could do this?

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Want to prevent him doing it again? Ask him if he can write the report up for you to have a copy. Then ask him for his police number and his superior's name. Make a point of writing it down..... ;)

I didnt know you could do this?

Freedom of information act is a wonderful thing ;) Officially if they stop you, there is some kind of forms they have to fill in and have to (if asked) supply you a copy. When I was a youth, the local coppers used to try and stop search us all the time until we asked for something similar (as told to us by a mates dad who was a copper) and then they didnt bother any more :lol: Dont think coppers like skaters for some reason :thumbdown: Paperwork is too much hassle for most coppers unless they have a real reason to stop you.

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Want to prevent him doing it again? Ask him if he can write the report up for you to have a copy. Then ask him for his police number and his superior's name. Make a point of writing it down..... ;)

I didnt know you could do this?

Freedom of information act is a wonderful thing ;) Officially if they stop you, there is some kind of forms they have to fill in and have to (if asked) supply you a copy. When I was a youth, the local coppers used to try and stop search us all the time until we asked for something similar (as told to us by a mates dad who was a copper) and then they didnt bother any more :lol: Dont think coppers like skaters for some reason :thumbdown: Paperwork is too much hassle for most coppers unless they have a real reason to stop you.

Thanks for that, saying that i dont usually get stopped, im sure a gay looking person in a fiat 500 is not the sort of person they tend to stop for bad driving, however you never know :thumbs:

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Want to prevent him doing it again? Ask him if he can write the report up for you to have a copy. Then ask him for his police number and his superior's name. Make a point of writing it down..... ;)

I didnt know you could do this?

Freedom of information act is a wonderful thing ;) Officially if they stop you, there is some kind of forms they have to fill in and have to (if asked) supply you a copy. When I was a youth, the local coppers used to try and stop search us all the time until we asked for something similar (as told to us by a mates dad who was a copper) and then they didnt bother any more :lol: Dont think coppers like skaters for some reason :thumbdown: Paperwork is too much hassle for most coppers unless they have a real reason to stop you.

Thanks for that, saying that i dont usually get stopped, im sure a gay looking person in a fiat 500 is not the sort of person they tend to stop for bad driving, however you never know :thumbs:



Possesion of poppers and viagra maybe Louis......

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Nah, poppers are for wimps and viagra are for old people who cant get it up. Isn't that right Beavis? ;)


How about 'K'? Seems to be all the rave at the moment ;)


Want to prevent him doing it again? Ask him if he can write the report up for you to have a copy. Then ask him for his police number and his superior's name. Make a point of writing it down..... ;)

I didnt know you could do this?

Freedom of information act is a wonderful thing ;) Officially if they stop you, there is some kind of forms they have to fill in and have to (if asked) supply you a copy. When I was a youth, the local coppers used to try and stop search us all the time until we asked for something similar (as told to us by a mates dad who was a copper) and then they didnt bother any more :lol: Dont think coppers like skaters for some reason :thumbdown: Paperwork is too much hassle for most coppers unless they have a real reason to stop you.


Technically if an officer stops someone to advise them, there's no official form, although good practice would be to note everything in a Pocket Book. If they stop to search, or ask what you are doing, a form has to be filled in and it has to be recorded. It's also recorded if they do any kind of national or local check on you or your car. Overview here


It sounds like the only real thing this copper did wrong was to lecture and threaten to take the car, which would wind any innocent person up. Should always treat people with respect. If he had seen the car being driven in an unnacceptable manner and was unable to stop it (being off duty) then I don't think there's anything wrong with stopping the car and speaking to the driver. I wish someone was there to stop and speak to the kids doing timed laps on scooters around the estate yesterday. . .

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Would be interesting to find out if the officer put any intelligence on your car as well...



Does freedom of information allow you to know what the BIB have on you????


I'd be interested to know........ :lol:

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Would be interesting to find out if the officer put any intelligence on your car as well...



Does freedom of information allow you to know what the BIB have on you????


I'd be interested to know........ :lol:


To a degree yes. Information won't be released if it jeopardises an operation or criminal investigation, otherwise they should tell you. If intelligence isn't pertinent, or old, it uses gets deleted. Think it only costs about £10. Could be a laugh :D

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