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BM and his parking adventures.


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  BulletMagnet said:
Dammit, the one time I DON'T take pics... parked up in Sainsburys, out of the way round the back in a triple bay, come back drive home, wash car and notice a parking ding on the passenger side :rant:

Prolly was that green Kia Crapola that had parked next to me...


sorry to hear mate :(:thumbdown: ignorant t**ts

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It doesn't matter what you do to protect your Z some pill@(k will alway come along and threaten its fine finish.


Asda yesterday P.M. row of 10 empty spaces parked in the middle one, farest away from store, Came back 10 min later and as if by magic, on 1 side a Rover 25 mg of all things and on the other a rusted out rolling sh@t box white van man. They do it on purpose. (Cocks).

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Funniest one ever for me the other week - Argos car park. As I walked back to my car some guy was just parking next to me. He got so close he couldn't possibly get out of his car without touching mine - BUT i got here in time before he even tried. I got in my car and just sat there fiddling with my stereo etc knowing full well he could not get out as he'd parked so close. He just had to sit there.........and sit there.............and sit there............. :lol:


I was so glad i got there in time or no doubt he would have just damaged my door! TW4T!

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I was parked in a car park near Windsor Great Park a few years back, huge amount of space when a car parked next to me and the fecking moron in the passenger side opened his car *smack* into my drivers door - I said some rather loud rude words and once he'd shut his ruddy door I got out and inspected the door for a good few minutes (there wasn't a mark luckily enough), making sure my backside meant he couldn't get out of the car!


I will never understand why people insist on parking right next to another car if you don't have to - although if I don't have much choice, I'll always park next to a nice/modded car than a cr@pbox because the nice car owner will be more careful when opening the doors!

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  nixy said:
Funniest one ever for me the other week - Argos car park. As I walked back to my car some guy was just parking next to me. He got so close he couldn't possibly get out of his car without touching mine - BUT i got here in time before he even tried. I got in my car and just sat there fiddling with my stereo etc knowing full well he could not get out as he'd parked so close. He just had to sit there.........and sit there.............and sit there............. :lol:


I was so glad i got there in time or no doubt he would have just damaged my door! TW4T!


class act, quite right! i would have got on the phone for half an hour, what a tosser :thumbdown:

if i ever see anyone damaging my car there will be blood! :evil:

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Absolutely shocking!! :scare: I too am very wary of car parks! I dont go to multi-storey`s and if I go to tescos, its the furthest spaces away (take 2 bays if poss).

Have seen shed loads of cars and 1 Zed roadster take head on collisions with shopping trolleys, where the Family parking bays are which has a constant flow of shoppers going back to their cars!

And we all know how bad steering a wonky shopping trolley is like, it either understeers and pulls you of course!!!

If I`m at a fast food outlet, I sit where I can see the Zed or I dont eat in, simple. ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

LoL ... by far one of the funniest threads i've read so far ... but I totaly understand the frustration when there are so many bad drivers out on the roads ...


I feel I have to be extra careful even on short journeys incase some idiot goes into my Zed ... and then when I get to my destination I have to go through the whole parking knightmare ....

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  nixy said:
Funniest one ever for me the other week - Argos car park. As I walked back to my car some guy was just parking next to me. He got so close he couldn't possibly get out of his car without touching mine - BUT i got here in time before he even tried. I got in my car and just sat there fiddling with my stereo etc knowing full well he could not get out as he'd parked so close. He just had to sit there.........and sit there.............and sit there............. :lol:


I was so glad i got there in time or no doubt he would have just damaged my door! TW4T!


That is so evil. but definatley something I would do :lol:

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so i parked up to go climbing at the gym. on my circular travels up the ramps of the multistory i come across a rusty sunset zed ;) so i think hmm, i wonder if he has a club sticker, ive seen it many times but thought this time id park next to him and drop him a flyer. so i parked in the triple bay in the middle one to the left of him but waaay over so he and me had masses of room and noooo way anyone would park in the remaining space. the car park did indeed look like this after all:



so i went for a climb, came back and WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :angry::rant::angry::angry::angry::rant::rant::rant:





the stupid F**ker has actually climbed over to the other side to get out the car, i checked for damage, none so they must have known they would have to do this, WHY????????? im raging :rant::rant::rant::rant::rant:

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