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Makes My Blood Boil


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Interesting, do they mean to fly her as well? Given that Aerospatielle stopped making parts for her which led to the CofA lapsing, which is basically why she stopped flying in the first place, it'd be interesting to see how they get round that.

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  Ekona said:
Interesting, do they mean to fly her as well? Given that Aerospatielle stopped making parts for her which led to the CofA lapsing, which is basically why she stopped flying in the first place, it'd be interesting to see how they get round that.



No they wont fly it. If anyone will fly one again it will be the french like it says in the article they keep one with all the fluids topped up and they run the electrical systems.

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Ah well, let them have it. I'd rather it was restored to it's former glory (albeit in a non-flying way) somewhere in the world rather than left to rot in a hangar somewhere. It's a shame that it's not in this country, but then I can't really say that BA's attitude surprises me at all.

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It feels like a step backwards with Concorde going. The newest plane being the A380 which is nothing more than an even bigger space to cram people in to. Concorde at least provided some national pride and something for people to aspire to. We seem to be taking anything good away at the moment... :dry:

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  Lexx said:
Virgin tried to buy them all as a last ditch attempt to keep them running just befdore BA grounded them for the final time.


BA told Branson to get stuffed

Virgin never had any intention of buying or running Concorde, but Branson knows a route to cheap publicity when he sees one. :dry:

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I heard from a source that the reason why it will never fly again is because France and BA signed a agreement when they built the plane that if either one of them decided to stop flying concordes , then the other airway would also have to cease flights. BA was profitable with concorde but France struggled in comparision. With the crash and costs of redevelopment Air France decided to pull out and unfortunately BA had to follow.

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  M13KYF said:
I heard from a source that the reason why it will never fly again is because France and BA signed a agreement when they built the plane that if either one of them decided to stop flying concordes , then the other airway would also have to cease flights. BA was profitable with concorde but France struggled in comparision. With the crash and costs of redevelopment Air France decided to pull out and unfortunately BA had to follow.


Even if that was the case i still cant understand why at least one per airline could not have been kept airworthy just for airshow's. Quite clearly and i know this for a fact Air France have at least one kept in hanger ready to go if required. Its systems are reguarly run by a team of dedicated engineers.

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  Beavis said:
Even if that was the case i still cant understand why at least one per airline could not have been kept airworthy just for airshow's. Quite clearly and i know this for a fact Air France have at least one kept in hanger ready to go if required. Its systems are regularly run by a team of dedicated engineers.

It is a pity, although the cost of maintenance of even one aircraft wouldn't be cheap.

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