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Stopped by the French police!!


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I got stopped by the French police on Friday afternoon as I was driving home, they stopped me as I was coming out of the Peage Toll gates on the A8 just by the Monaco turnoff and thought :scare: here we go I have not got my V5 yet and knowing how much the froggie officals love their paperwork thought I was in for a tricky time :headhurt:


But to my amazement all they wanted to do was have a look at the Z, so there I am giving them a quick tour round the Z and I have 6 policemen B) at my car and saying nice things. It appears they have not seen a Z before here which also explains why so many people also stare and point at the car over here since I drove it back last month. Haven't seen another Z since getting back here so must be quite rare over here from the look of it (they like their froggie cars over here).


So Friday night I felt :yahoo: all evening thanks to the Z.

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In Europe last year, we got stopped at the Ports by the Jarndant (spelling) and told me to open the bonnet. My mate behind had jammers and scanners (we got very nerveous)


Then he asked me to rev the car - you dont argue with a group of men with a guns - and the answer was (ahhh magnifieek). Have a good trip! :teeth::teeth:

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