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No Brands meet- please read :-(

GTO Pete

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Hi everyone,

As the title states, there will be no Jap meet at Brands Hatch anymore.


Dan had spoke with Brands the day after the meet and everything was cool- everyone had a good night, people where well behaved in the venue and it was a success but since then they (Brands) have received complaints about the way in which cars arrived & left the venue and how people were driving on the local roads, so they are not prepared to let us use the venue anymore.


So basically, thanks to a few people not thinking, there is no more meet at brands, no more chances of cheap track time and no where for people to meet up that is a ‘legal’ meet (which is something a lot of people liked about the brands meet)


Personally both Dan & myself are pretty hacked of about it all- Dan didn’t spend all that time talking to brands and I didn’t spend hours on all the different forums letting people know about the meet only for a select few to f**k it up for us and everyone who enjoyed the meet. On the flip side we can understand that people would not be able to resist driving spiritedly to and from the venue but that doesn’t make it any better.


We are currently trying to find an alternative venue but tbh its pretty tough going- the only place that comes close want a lot more money so it’s a case of looking around more- if anyone has any suggestions please feel free to get in touch.



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Totally gutted to read this Pete but can understand the pedicament that Brands Hatch are in. Thanks for both your efforts so far and will try to have a think of other potential places to hold it. :thumbs:

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Thanks for the effort guys, was looking forward to this months, but alas thanks to **** heads...


I personally blame the black Nismo kitted 350Z (not one of us), the silver RX-8 and his buddy in the Scooby (who were told off for revving).


I hate idiots.


Again thanks for organising the previous one, hope something new will take it's place (like the Bluewater meet)

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Are you sure it was not just an excuse on their behalf? Let's face it, noise/the occasional idot driver around Brands Hatch is not exactly uncommon............it is a race track after all.
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Are you sure it was not just an excuse on their behalf? Let's face it, noise around Brands Hatch is not exactly uncommon............it is a race track after all.


Yes, I can see where you are coming from, but tbh, most races take place during the day.

The meet was in the evening, so I guess you could sympathise.

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:rant: I had similar problems when organising my Type-R meets, there were those who had to rev engines, wheelspin, launch etc, and its this stupid thhings that give us real enthusiasts a bad name! Everyone knows what the car sounds like, you dont have to let everyone know FFS.

The amount of time I have been apologising to Security staff, Police, you name it, Ive had to explain to.

Being close to Brands, I would have looked forward to attending this at some point, but now WTF?


Sorry to hear this guys, I hope you find a new venue soon.



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Gutted to here this, never got the chance to attend the meet, and really wanted to, i hope you get another venue sorted soon, as did seem and from what i heard was a good meet, again sorry to hear this !

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I hope Brands reconsider in the future when the dust settles on this.

I'm sure the Kentagon took a fair amount of trade that night.

It was nice to see the more mature owners, and even some that brought their kids to look at cars (I even saw couples with babies and buggies)

If at some point in the future the JAPT organizers could ask for a second chance, with the promise to try and keep more of a lid on things.

Reassure the neighbourhood that any miscreants will have their numberplates noted and have them reported.

Just so they know we are actually trying our best to keep it civilized rather than let anarchy rule.

That's why this meet was a trial, and everybody knows that in most cases trials fail, but give you an idea of what to avoid in the future.


Just my 2p worth.

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