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Help create checklist for when i check car


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Heading up to check out the car i have a deposit on on Sunday morning, want to make sure there isn't anything i forget to check as its a 2 1/2 hour drive, its a 56 GT spec


So here's the list i have so far:


Check Bose CD player when driving for any skipping

Check speakers, isn't there an issue with the left side speakers cutting out sometimes?

Make sure rear axle doesn't click

Check front bumper for stone scratches

Check all bodywork for any scratches

Check leather for any marks

Check alloys for any curbing

Check wheels for tread

Check oil consumption or at least ask about it?????

Check brakes/pads to see if they'll need changing soon????? How would i check this?????

Check clutch????? How would i check this?????

Kick the tyres make sure they r ok

Check all the bluetooth bits are present

Make sure i get both sets of keys

See if gearbox crunches

Check for uneven tire wear.

Check towing eye fits

service book history

check the PAS fluid level before taking it out for a ride. When it goes below the limit you can get some steering wheel shake which is a bit worrying but it's fine once its been topped up!

do a proper check (hpi etc.) on the car prior to going down there just in case! that's a must! DONE, ALL CLEAR :)


Can anyone think of anything else to check?


The car has had a major service done in the last few days and the dealer says there's no issues with the car.

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  martinmac said:
Check all the bluetooth bits are present.


The first indication that I had when my clutch went was it slipping a little before engaging when doing about 30mpg in third.


What bluetooth bits should there be?


Also when you say slipping do you mean it not finding third gear or struggling to find third gear when changing?

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Check remaining Tax

Check service book and schedule

Proper HPI check!

Make sucking noise through teeth whilst shaking head and tutting a lot :lol:

Try not to smile when hoofing it. :teeth:


All of the gearshift levers vibrate but I have tried a 'bad' one where it's enough to give you white-finger. At high revs, vibration shoudl be evident but not excessive to feel and barely visible to the eye.

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i'd say do a proper check (hpi etc.) on the car prior to going down there just in case! that's a must!


service book history. good tread on the tyres as well is nice as they're not cheap!


i'd also check the PAS fluid level before taking it out for a ride. When it goes below the limit you can get some steering wheel shake which is a bit worrying but it's fine once its been topped up!


hope it goes well, i'll be suprised if u dont buy it after seeing it and taking it for a test drive!

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  elecious said:

Check front bumper for stone scratches


I wouldn't let this put you off buying a good car, because of the shape of the bumper it always get a hammering from stonechips, and unless the owner is having the bumper resprayed every 6 months you are bound to find more than a few.



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  srobrien said:
  elecious said:

Check front bumper for stone scratches


I wouldn't let this put you off buying a good car, because of the shape of the bumper it always get a hammering from stonechips, and unless the owner is having the bumper resprayed every 6 months you are bound to find more than a few.





thats more in there as a hope that the dealer doesn't realise just how common it is or how thin the 350z paint is, might give me a little something to bargain with :)

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I think you've got most things covered off, on the discs - if they have a lip of more than 2-3mm on the edges then they will need replacing along with the pads!


And please please don't kick the tyres - you'll just look a dick ok :doh: just take a tread depth guage with you.

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Keep an eye on oil pressure when cold/warm/idling and when moving too.


My CD player never skips when stationary and will only occasionally when I'm driving somewhere, sometimes only a little when going over bumps then sometimes it's so bad I have to resort to Radio1, which is never good :yuck: Then other times I'll go days and it'll behave it's self. Strange.


Have a good look through all the history and all the receipts, make sure the mileage and service intervals all add up.


Then buy one.

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