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Mclaren and Hamilton Disqualified from Aus


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Can anyone explain this in simple terms, as I have read two news stories on this now and still cant understand where the fault occured, and who was to blame.


Wasn't it stated in Spa 08 that a time penalty could not be reversed, yet here we have one specifically being reversed? :wacko:

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they did say in spa that it couldnt be reversed tho i think that is only applicable to the driver, if the whole team are disqualified from the race thats another story, ie kovalinen would have been disqualified in this instance even though he did nothing wrong, had he finished the race... :bangin:


it would seem that, trulli went off the track under yellows, hamilton passed him (tv camera didnt see this) then trulli thought hamilton had a problem or was letting him overtake so trulli overtook hamilton (still under yellows), from what ive read it would appear as though mclaren complained about trulli overtaking (resulting in trulli getting the 25sec penalty) yet hamilton did actually over the radio state that he was letting him overtake.


does that make sense?

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Good to see that Hamilton is back on the same points as the boys in Red the old FIA have got what they wanted.


If they are being so anal why have they not punished Barrichello for his cause of the crash on the first corner taking out numerous cars yet they punish Vettel for a much minor incident

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Having read a bit more it seems its like this....


1. Trulli went off and hamilton took 3rd - this is on youtube somewhere.

2. Trulli complains over team radio that Hamilton took place

3. Hamilton is given orders to let Trulli back to third

4. Trulli is told not to make any moves.


Interjection.... Trulli is apparently told not to make any move, becuase it turns out that taking a place under yellows if the car in front goes off the track, is perfectly fine. Taking a car on the track is not fine, unless car in front has mechanical problems and you have no choice.


5. Hamilton slows to snails pace, Trulli presumes mechanical problems and takes 3rd place back.


Race finishes...


Afterward, Hamilton apparently says to stewards that he was distracted by a message on his dash, and thats why he slows.

This prompts stewards to come up with the penalty on Trulli, as he should not have overtaken.


Mclaren keep quiet, as they fear that their own pass on Trulli earlier may be called into question (though we now know it wouldnt, as overtaking a car that has gone off under yellows is perfectly fine).


It later transpires that Lewis had told reporters that he was ordered to give the place back.


Stewards now have "new" evidence (the team radio). After reviewing the team radio, it is seen that Hamilton did concede the place back, and therefore Trulli should not have been penalised - although its still unclear whether a pass under these condictoins (conceding) is allowed under yellows.


Hamiltons penalty is for fibbing to the stewards about his slowing down and the Trulli pass to take 3rd again.


So, seems a little harsh to be fully disqualified, as Mclaren were only trying to sort the finishing order due to their uncertainty over the first pass on Toyota when Trulli went off. But technically it was fibbing to the Stewards so a disqualification may be justified?

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Its all a crock of sh*te! They are bending the rules to suit, so they can strip Hamilton of points. If they are not, then why havent they penilised the other driver who caused crashes (dangerous driving) but are for this silly mix up. The worst that should have come out of it is that Hamilton got demoted to 4th and Trulli got promoted back to 3rd again. Bloody FIA muppets.

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The thing is hamilton did not lie he just did not say everything he should have.


One of the causes of the problems was the race control tho as Maclaran radioed them to get a response as to whether they needed to give the place back - they never got a respone so decided to give it back just in case, when in fact he did not need to due to trulli going off the track.


If a: Maclaren knew the rules they would have been fine OR b: race control replied to them they would have been fine


I think the FIA have to be really careful. if they start messing around with the results much more I honestly think people are going to just switch off and not bother

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Weve had one race and so far have:


  • Three protests over diffusers cleared by the FIA and the stewards.
    One failed protest over the same diffusers, but disallowed due to dogy paperwork.
    Three appeals over the rejected protests over diffusers.
    Two disqualifications over a dodgy wing, oddly enough only discovered after qual.
    One grid-penalty over a racing-incident.
    One post-race stop'n'go over fear of being penalised.
    One post-race stop'n'go recinded because of utter incompetence.
    One disqualification for dubious reasons.


If the diffuser protests are upheld, and they are deemed illegal, then we could see Alonso handed the win in Oz. If they are upheld after a few more races then there will be some serious shuffling around going on.


I hope those running fantasy F1 leagues have their calculators charged up.



Its also interesting to note that Lewis gets disqualfied for this, yet Barrichellos instigation of a stock car race at the start warrants... nothing.

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Here we ****ing go again, what a load of bollocks :angry::rant::angry::rant::angry::rant::angry::rant::angry::rant::angry:


All because Ferrari scored no points i bet, so Ferrari International Assistance have taken several days to become up with a bizzare excuse :dry:


Why dont they make it easy and ban Mclaren all together so we dont have to put up with this bullshit every couple of weeks. :rant:

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I think if you looked at this thread as a dispassionate observer you would have to conclude there is a fair amount of pro-Hamilton bias on this forum. The stewards are holding an enquiry, McLaren/Hamilton lie for their own gain, they get disqualified. Fair result. There is too much at stake to waive off such behaviour.


I agree that in general terms the FIA are a joke but I can't see what's wrong with this decision.

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I think if you looked at this thread as a dispassionate observer you would have to conclude there is a fair amount of pro-Hamilton bias on this forum. The stewards are holding an enquiry, McLaren/Hamilton lie for their own gain, they get disqualified. Fair result. There is too much at stake to waive off such behaviour.


I agree that in general terms the FIA are a joke but I can't see what's wrong with this decision.

Whats wrong in my mind is that there were far more blatent breaches of the rules which were down right dangerous that werent even looked at. People caused crashes and nothing came of it.


I agree that I am pro Hamilton, but only because the FIA are hell bent on stopping him from winning another championship. I just hope they dont start to pick on Button now he finally has a good car. :boxing:

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I think if you looked at this thread as a dispassionate observer you would have to conclude there is a fair amount of pro-Hamilton bias on this forum. The stewards are holding an enquiry, McLaren/Hamilton lie for their own gain, they get disqualified. Fair result. There is too much at stake to waive off such behaviour.


I agree that in general terms the FIA are a joke but I can't see what's wrong with this decision.

Whats wrong in my mind is that there were far more blatent breaches of the rules which were down right dangerous that werent even looked at. People caused crashes and nothing came of it.


I agree that I am pro Hamilton, but only because the FIA are hell bent on stopping him from winning another championship. I just hope they dont start to pick on Button now he finally has a good car. :boxing:


+1 - that's my point.


No different to the FA reviewing a match and giving someone a second yellow card for a mistimed tackle but ignoring the blatant forearm smash that should've seen a straight red. Which fortunately, they don't do. This is where the FA at least have it right. If the officials deal with it AT THE TIME, then the decision is made.

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Ive just read the radio transcript published by the FIA, and the statements given by Whitmarsh.


Im certainly pro Hamilton, but having reviewd the above, Mclaren/Hamilton are bang out of order here. They have officially been caught with their pants down and making flat out lies to the FIA.


Though immediatley after the race Hamilton told reporters/press that he had been given an order to let Trulli pass. After an hour in the Mclaren garage and being called in by the Stewards, the story changes to "no" when asked if there was any instruction to conceed the place. The radio shows otherwise.


Sadly, I think its a case of he who pays the piper calls the tune. In this case, Mclaren appear to have told Hamilton what to say, and it now transpires its a pack of lies. :thumbdown:

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+1 to that chesterfield...


pathetic really, wonder if the difference between 4th and 3rd was worth the demotion from 3rd to DNF...


On another note i think hamilton drove a fantastic race in aus, practice in malaysia tomorrow. it should be on the bbc website as soon as its finished.

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I don't really care that Hamilton was docked his points, more that they had all this info available to them a mere hour after the race had ended so why has it taken them 4 days to get it sorted? That's the real farce, not whether McLaren tried to pull a fast one or not.



F1 has to be one of, if not the richest sport in the world today. With all that money, you'd have thought that they could afford to employ some stewards with some simple common sense. Even half a brain would do at this point.

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the tribunal didnt happen until this morning, and so the didnt look at all the evidence until today, probably left it til now because of the amount of other appeals happening!



Should all be sorted on the day., end of. :dry: And like last year a time penalty is irreversable, but now all of a sudden it is. :dry:


Or what is the point in watching if the results are not final on the day? no point in watching just pick up a newspaper a couple of days after the event and find out the result. In horse racing if there is a stewards enquiry it generally sorted in the next 30 minutes.

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They'd be better off just tossing a coin to decide the results, or drawing names out of a hat. At least there's some logic behind that.



Just when we all thought that the madness of last year had finished and we were going to have some honest, decent racing this year. :thumbdown:

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Re the "ruling body", I was told last year (bear in mind where I am based) that the prancing gang had/have had some sort of connection with the "ruling body" organisation and it could have some finacial overtones hence the strange way alot of decessions always appear to go a strange way :wacko:

Re the early banger race a couple of ex drivers would help on the committe to offer some consistency.


If you mislead or lie to the "ruling body" then you should have to pay the penalty regardless of who you are and some teams are not exactly virgins at this, remember last year.


I am not pro either team but think that if you drive or manage a good race then you should reap the rewards which ever team you are.


And please for god's sake make the season worth watching for us the public or we should all turn off the sport, because if we want to see a clowns show we can go to the circus instead :rant:

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I'm not going to re-iterate others comments. Save to say we are all petrolheads and once again it's a farce all round. Decisions have got to be made on the day, end of. The watching public need to be able to watch a fair race and know what is what, with a definitive result at the end of it. Bias etc can be argued, but it just has to be transparent and same rules apply. Even us hard core fans are getting disillusioned - and that mark's the end of the road. FIA you have been warned! :angry:

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This is a great race...... oh wait, that's right, F1 results are decided in courtrooms or something.


They might aswell just play playstation as what happens on the track doesn't matter anyway.


Sorry FIA dudes but you are continuing to ruin F1 with all this cr4p.

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