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Another helicopter down...


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Extremely sad times, sombre mood around here. One of the men tragically killed is a friend of a friend :(

Aaaw, that's no good Cara, sorry to hear that. :(



Heard from a bond mechanic something interesting about the ditch into the sea (the happy ending one....) that the altimeter beeps even 50 feet. When they went through the bank of fog it didn't beep so they touched the water. Pulled up, damaged the tail rotor and then landed it and deployed the bags. The beepy module bit had an intermittent fault..... I heard this but I'm always skeptical and take everything with a pinch of salt though.

Subjudice then as such.

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So with these two incidents is it lack of mechanical maintenance or pilot error, or don't know yet?


Immy, the incident in February was apparently largely down to weather - the AAIB (Air Accidents Investigation Branch) found that the pilot flew into a "bank of fog" and couldn't identify the rig platform. It was a 'controlled ditching' (if you can call it that) where all crew and passengers escaped safely and the craft was largely intact.


This time is different. It is too early for any conclusions to be definitely made, as recovery and investigations are currently ongoing, but its clear that something went disastrously wrong. Apparently, there was just enough time for a mayday signal to be put out, before the chopper hit the sea hard. Don't think anybody had a chance in those circumstances. I would speculate possibly something to do with the rotor or gearbox, but don't know yet....


Extremely sad times, sombre mood around here. One of the men tragically killed is a friend of a friend :(



Heard from a bond mechanic something interesting about the ditch into the sea (the happy ending one....) that the altimeter beeps even 50 feet. When they went through the bank of fog it didn't beep so they touched the water. Pulled up, damaged the tail rotor and then landed it and deployed the bags. The beepy module bit had an intermittent fault..... I heard this but I'm always skeptical and take everything with a pinch of salt though.


Hmm, interesting. Never know what's rumour and what's not, or what is being covered up.... (call me sceptical too!).


Aaaw, that's no good Cara, sorry to hear that.


Thanks Immy, shows what a small community Aberdeen is really, especially in the oil industry. What I find really sad is the guy was due to get married this year. It chilled me when I heard that the mayday signal was "Mayday, mayday... oh f**k" then silence. Sadness all round.

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We have just had a helicopter bound for another rig do an emergency landing on our helideck. Apparently there was a fuel leak from the engine and it was leaking down in to the cabin covering all of the passengers....nothing official yet just the rumours....bet you wont hear about it though. Will definatly have a twichy bottom on the way home this time.



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