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Tiptronic Paddle-shift project: UPDATED!


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Hey all...


I've resisted posting on this for a few weeks as i wasnt sure if i could get it off the ground, but i've started to make my own paddle-@*!# kit to install in my tiptronic zed!


Some of you may know about the works-bell paddle shift kit, but these retail at $400, and with the way the pound is against the dollar and yen, i was gonna work out waaayy too expensive to buy that.


So, i've done about 20hours research into it reading through wiring diagrams from the service book etc, and researching the type of microswitches is needed.


Anyway, i ordered the electronic components required (2x microswitches, cable, snap in connectors), and set about working on my circuit design!


I stayed up till about 2am 3 nights last week experimenting with the circuit, wiring in 3 led's so i could see if it was working how i wanted etc. On Friday night i managed to get the circuit working as i wanted, and i went and made my final wiring harness. 2-microswitches, a long bit of cable, and a connector from a PC so i can disconnect it easily should i need to.


I planned to start work on the actual paddles on Saturday, but we had a crisis with a go-live of an upgrade at work, and i ended up working 12 hours straight from home (earned a few quid though :teeth: ). So, i wired in just the switches today, and have tested them and they work perfectly...!! At the moment they're just 2 microswitches at the end of a bit of cable which i've taped to my dash - but they work just as you'd expect.


I've not got a clue yet on how im gonna design and make - and mount my paddles, but im going to do it right - it needs to feel solid and oem. (anyone got any ideas?!) So far, im thinking about buying one of those 'pretend' paddle shift kits of eBay and retrofitting my paddles to that - only i dont think those paddles move - they're fixed... i'll need to fit a hinge of some sort.



Anyway, enough writing - here's a few pics of my wiring harness... no incar pics yet - my center console is currently in my lounge (part of a different project), but you get the idea.


Oh, and total cost so far - £7.00 on components... and £40 on my tool chest and new butane soldering iron :blush:









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Yeah looking forward to seeing the finished result.


If you want really fancy paddles, you could see if EPRacing can make you a set. Might take a while and cost a bit, but they will look awesome in carbon fibre!

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I can see this catching on! Sounds like an excellent and very cool mod :thumbs: I would look for some paddles before thinking of getting customs made up though. Best bet for decent prices would be from the racing scene.

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  IanS16 said:
Glad to see you have started it. :teeth:


Take it you are adding the new switches instead of relocating the old ones then?


Yep - new switches so its bypassing the existing switches - so i wont be able to change gear using the stick any more.


As for paddles - im going to build my prototype first and see how well it works... Im not overly concerned by the look of the paddles, its more the feel of the button press i need to get right... i.e. how hard is it to press, how far does the lever travel etc. Thats crucial!


Im stopping at Wickes' tonight on the way home to get some bits of metal so i can start the prototype paddles... so i'll see how that goes!

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  nurrish said:
Have you thought about embedding them into the actual steering wheel? so at either side of the back of your wheel you have two nipple like things sticking out from behind your wheel......M3 smg like


I have thought about that - but they're wired - so when applying full lock etc, the wires would get twisted up... and i dont want to take my wheel off and run the cables through - im terrified of the airbag going off!


I've also seen some RF transmitter switches fit for that purpose, but apparently they'd cause a very slight delay to the operation.

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  marzman said:
I have thought about that - but they're wired - so when applying full lock etc, the wires would get twisted up... and i dont want to take my wheel off and run the cables through - im terrified of the airbag going off!

I dont see how you will fit it all up without taking the wheel off. Trust me, its dead easy to do, just make sure you disconnect the battery, pump the brake a bit (discharges whats left) then leave it say 10mins. I've had mine off about 3 times now, no problems, and no airbag light. Just dont chuck around the air bag :lol: Will make the whole thing easier and can have the cables inside the wheel hub ;)

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Just an update - i've been building my paddle switch mechanism for the last couple of days!! Its messy, and a bit bigger than i wanted, but it feels just right! Thats whats important.


I've been dremmel-ing bits of metal all day, and have made good use of the old epoxy resin...!


I've spent ages walking round the house and hardware stores looking for inspiration for the hinge mechanism, and i've settled on the levers from a radio control handset! You'll see what i mean when i post the pictures up...!

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Hey Guys,


Right, i worked on these all day yesterday from 9am till 7pm!


The switch mechanism is still very rough around the edges and will be tidied up, and i've already started work on a metal casing to house what you can see.


For the paddles themselves im currently using some door handles which look crap but are fit for purpose. They will do for now until i find something better...!


I've built these completely from scratch, so dont laugh at how crap they are!! :blush: But the movement is correct although is a little too flimsy - i need to figure out how to make it feel stronger.


Im VERY happy with how they work though... i've been out for about 30mins driving in manual mode and they are brilliant! :teeth:


Oh, and total cost so far...? About £17, including the glue which was a fiver!


See the pics below - and watch the video - you can hear my K1 nicely!














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  srobrien said:
In your 20hours of research did you come across this guide


http://www.infinitiscene.com/forum/show ... php?t=1369


Probably but if not it may be of some help.




Yeh cheers for that. I found that guide originally which gave me the inspiration to do it myself. I've used a different circuit though - that guy used relays, i've used microswitches.


I may see if i can get hold of some actual paddles though cos they do look good!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  srobrien said:
How you getting on with this project Chris?





Well i worked on my wheels last weekend so havent had a look, but im a bit stuck for ideas :thumbdown:


The action of the levers is too flimsy, i need to make it feel solid which i cant do with what i've made so far, so i need to start from scratch again. The movement is perfect its just too lightweight!


I've been looking on eBay daily for paddle mechanisms but havent found anything at all, so i might need to visit some other car dealers and ask to look at their paddles and maybe purchase one direct from them... but then i can see those being big bucks... i want to keep all of this below £50 if i can as there's a chance i'll screw them up if i start modifying them etc, and then that money's wasted.


So if anyone can think of a lever mechanism in any everyday object that i could adapt, then that would be great... i made whats in my car now out of the levers from a radio controlled helicopter handset...!

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