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The apprentice


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I actually went to Law School with Anita in Chester. A nice girl but certainly no shining star. I don't think she was the most culpable last night but she was neither good enough or hungry enough to have lasted long.


The lawyer always goes first - usually because they are crap. In my experience, there are lawyers who are sh1t hot at law and lawyers who are sh1t hot businessmen but seldom do the two get combined. When they do combine they're usually earning more than £100k with their own businesses and wouldn't want to go on to the Alan Sugar circus.


I agree with Sarnie that the standard of the candidates drops year on year. I'm also beginning to suspect that the production team have an influence on who stays and who goes. If you're entertaining or likely to shake things up you might just survive the boardroom despite being the weakest link...


Still love it though. :teeth:

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I'm actually a big fan of the apprentice and think I've seen pretty much all episodes (bar one or two).


I agree with most thats been said on here. One thing the girls team seemed to have missed completely was the fact that they'd be washing cars for only 1 day! They didn't need to spend £197. And funnily enough when Anita made that big announcement that they were in 'budget' I found myself shouting saying "no you idiots, now you have to MAKE 197 just to break even". Are these people stupid!? This is very basic sh!t. If you're gonna wash cars and use materials for ONE BLOODY DAY, you do NOT need to spend 200 quid to do it...


Seriously idiots on the show. Can't believe they were left to ruin clive suttons cars... but I'm sure the business was thinking more about the free publicity they are getting by being on TV.


As for Anita? Erm... no!

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The lawyer always goes first - usually because they are crap. In my experience, there are lawyers who are sh1t hot at law and lawyers who are sh1t hot businessmen but seldom do the two get combined. When they do combine they're usually earning more than £100k with their own businesses and wouldn't want to go on to the Alan Sugar circus.


I completely agree with you there, it seems that the two are most often mutually exclusive!


I love this programme, even though the candidates have definitely deteriorated from series to series. Unfortunately it's all for the entertainment value - this is a TV show after all. If everyone was excellent and excelled in every task, would we all really get as engrossed? Human nature to find enjoyment in laughing at other peoples stupidity on programmes like these - whilst feeling smug sitting thinking 'oh my god, unbelievable, I would never do that'....... Although there is no way in hell I would go on this, I self-admittedly would be sh1te :lol:


Anyone who thinks that the background production team and management don't have a large part to play is disillusioned.


But hey, I for one will most definitely be continuing to watch :D

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(PS. The house....... oh my god...... :scare:


PPS. I'm surprised nobody could hear me miles away shouting at the TV on seeing the muck left on the cars after supposed cleaning, and the yellow fluff on the seats etc :scare: Unbelievable :lol: )

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Everything Sarnie said is spot on! The programme although compulsive viewing is getting more like a series of big brother aimed at entertaining arguments and rifts than actual talent. Still love it though. Can't believe anyone let them lose on those cars and was cringing when the girls couldn't operate a pressure washer - made me feel ashamed to be female! :lol:

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Thinking about it, most of them have to give up their jobs to go on this show and there can only be one winner. That means most will be going back, cap in hand, and begging for their old jobs back!! I'm sure most employers watching would be rubbing their hands at getting rid of those donkeys so easily, and cheaply :lol:

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Thinking about it, most of them have to give up their jobs to go on this show and there can only be one winner. That means most will be going back, cap in hand, and begging for their old jobs back!! I'm sure most employers watching would be rubbing their hands at getting rid of those donkeys so easily, and cheaply :lol:

:lol: True

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Something that supports the theory of the production teams influence on the show is the fact that the minger got sacked first, nuff said
Amen to that. Sorry to be so blunt, especially when Digsy actually knows her but I would have refused to watch it until she had gone. I felt sorry for the black haired woman that got pulled into the final bit with the project leader. Although she didn't earn as much as the project managers team, I feel she was only there because she had the spine to stand up and say something about their poor performance.


I had a tear in my eye when they 'cleaned' those prestige cars, but as mentioned if you think the guy honestly though they could do a proper job you are living in a dreamland. Just wondering how much of a backhander the garage owner took to have the team in there, or do you think it was the promise of free publicity??

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The new series of The Apprentice is already a man down following one candidate's decision to quit before the cameras started rolling.

The man, who has not been named by the show's producers, bowed out before the first task had even been announced.

Sir Alan Sugar said he had "never met the fellow" and added "there was nothing sinister about it".

But in the first episode of the series, Sir Alan tells the remaining group that one of them had "bottled it" and left.


'Reality hit home'


Speaking to reporters today, Sir Alan said the contestant had been hit by the reality of the situation.

He said: "It was just that he got himself into his hotel room that night and realised that 'this is it, 'I'm away from up to 12 weeks from my family and my kids,' and I think the reality hit home."


Sounds like at least one lucky fella saw the light before he started! I'm sure he won't regret it. (Unless he's an idiot too)

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Five years ago this programme used to have contestants that were true entrepreneau's that were all self-starters who already earnt more than the £100k that Sir Alan was offering. Now its full of gimps from people earning £20k a year as (no offence to anyone that does any of these jobs but.......) Teachers, Estate Agents, Trainee's, Car Sales people, Pub Managers etc etc. There is nothing wrong with these jobs at all but the people on this show are supposed to be potentially the cream of the crop, the best bright up and coming young business minds that we have to offer.


One bird adds up on a calculator and says nothing about the spiralling costs, the others clean £150k cars with with sponges and leave the wax on them!! I'm not sure who was stupider, the women who couldn't work a pressure washer or the dealer for letting them loose on the cars!?!?!?!? The blokes spend 90 mins on ONE car and then wash them with the doors open!


I'm sorry but there was nobody tonight who showed any business acumen, initiative or drive to warrant giving them anything other than their normal job back!!!


Don't get me wrong, i love this programme, but the quality of contestants has deteriorated over the years.......


I kept meaning to apply for this as I'd love a good rumble with Sir Alan :boxing::lol:


:lol: And on the radio yesterday Sir Alan was going on about how they have raised the bar with these contestants, also one guy on the show was going on about how marvellous he was and how he always made his voice heard etc etc and he was a science teacher... :blink: nothing against teachers but it just shows the amount of BS some people can talk, I want some of them to write my CV! :lol:

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This programme will be used as a case for study by students in the future on human (use that term loosely) behaviour experiments! :lol:

Lets be honest they get the cream of the crop when it comes to self obsessed w****rs and put them on the telly for us all to judge them. Thats the trick - when you think you hav'nt seen the worst in human nature they get someone in who is worse than the previous year! :doh:

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Five years ago this programme used to have contestants that were true entrepreneau's that were all self-starters who already earnt more than the £100k that Sir Alan was offering. Now its full of gimps from people earning £20k a year as (no offence to anyone that does any of these jobs but.......) Teachers, Estate Agents, Trainee's, Car Sales people, Pub Managers etc etc. There is nothing wrong with these jobs at all but the people on this show are supposed to be potentially the cream of the crop, the best bright up and coming young business minds that we have to offer.


One bird adds up on a calculator and says nothing about the spiralling costs, the others clean £150k cars with with sponges and leave the wax on them!! I'm not sure who was stupider, the women who couldn't work a pressure washer or the dealer for letting them loose on the cars!?!?!?!? The blokes spend 90 mins on ONE car and then wash them with the doors open!


I'm sorry but there was nobody tonight who showed any business acumen, initiative or drive to warrant giving them anything other than their normal job back!!!


Don't get me wrong, i love this programme, but the quality of contestants has deteriorated over the years.......


I kept meaning to apply for this as I'd love a good rumble with Sir Alan :boxing::lol:


:lol: And on the radio yesterday Sir Alan was going on about how they have raised the bar with these contestants, also one guy on the show was going on about how marvellous he was and how he always made his voice heard etc etc and he was a science teacher... :blink: nothing against teachers but it just shows the amount of BS some people can talk, I want some of them to write my CV! :lol:


admittedly the science teacher does come across as a complete egotistical tit. but i would say as a teacher there are some transferable skills in to business, like the ability to motivate and get peoplewho don't want to be there to work, you project manage between 20-30 people at a time and work with at least 10 different teams all on different porjects at the same time. you have to problem solve on the spot, have several tasks on at the same time, inspire people to think, meet deadlines, hit targets for acheivements etc.


teaching is no walk in the park, when i did my training i was working a 60 -70 hour week with all hte work i had to do and all for £14,000 a year. as a profession its got the highest amount of people who leave early due to ill health and stress, up to 40% leave within there first 4 years in the job, and apparently teachers are the lartgest professional users of dating websites.





even still that science teacher is a right tit :thumbdown:

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Five years ago this programme used to have contestants that were true entrepreneau's that were all self-starters who already earnt more than the £100k that Sir Alan was offering. Now its full of gimps from people earning £20k a year as (no offence to anyone that does any of these jobs but.......) Teachers, Estate Agents, Trainee's, Car Sales people, Pub Managers etc etc. There is nothing wrong with these jobs at all but the people on this show are supposed to be potentially the cream of the crop, the best bright up and coming young business minds that we have to offer.


One bird adds up on a calculator and says nothing about the spiralling costs, the others clean £150k cars with with sponges and leave the wax on them!! I'm not sure who was stupider, the women who couldn't work a pressure washer or the dealer for letting them loose on the cars!?!?!?!? The blokes spend 90 mins on ONE car and then wash them with the doors open!


I'm sorry but there was nobody tonight who showed any business acumen, initiative or drive to warrant giving them anything other than their normal job back!!!


Don't get me wrong, i love this programme, but the quality of contestants has deteriorated over the years.......


I kept meaning to apply for this as I'd love a good rumble with Sir Alan :boxing::lol:


:lol: And on the radio yesterday Sir Alan was going on about how they have raised the bar with these contestants, also one guy on the show was going on about how marvellous he was and how he always made his voice heard etc etc and he was a science teacher... :blink: nothing against teachers but it just shows the amount of BS some people can talk, I want some of them to write my CV! :lol:

teachers are the lartgest professional users of dating websites.


Thats because:


that science teacher is a right tit




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The new series of The Apprentice is already a man down following one candidate's decision to quit before the cameras started rolling.

The man, who has not been named by the show's producers, bowed out before the first task had even been announced.

Sir Alan Sugar said he had "never met the fellow" and added "there was nothing sinister about it".

But in the first episode of the series, Sir Alan tells the remaining group that one of them had "bottled it" and left.


'Reality hit home'


Speaking to reporters today, Sir Alan said the contestant had been hit by the reality of the situation.

He said: "It was just that he got himself into his hotel room that night and realised that 'this is it, 'I'm away from up to 12 weeks from my family and my kids,' and I think the reality hit home."


Sounds like at least one lucky fella saw the light before he started! I'm sure he won't regret it. (Unless he's an idiot too)

They laid into him alright on the Adrian Chiles aftershow programme. :boxing::lol:
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