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The apprentice


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tell me about it, that ferrari is going to have a lovely swirl finish.


and those muppets quoted the 3 hummers at £350 for 3 cars, i could understand if they were professional detailers but not a chance. i can't believe they never costed up and researched there service before blurting out a BS quote.


this programme is great, it makes me rant something cronic though, am watching it with my wife and she's told me to shut up, so i'll rant on here instead :lol:

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I dont know which was worse - seeing a team of people unable to come up with a simple production ine method of cleaning cars quickly and WELL, or watching some tool give the go ahead to four women with a hose, bucket and sponge to clean Porches, Lambos and Ferraris!

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I can't watch it for long at all - most of them are idiots!


Although who has an F430 and lets car park cleaners touch it. Must be from the same school that the owner of the Audi R8 left in the train station car park today went to....... :headhurt:

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I can't watch it for long at all - most of them are idiots!


Although who has an F430 and lets car park cleaners touch it. Must be from the same school that the owner of the Audi R8 left in the train station car park today went to....... :headhurt:


+1, and the bitching of who is going has begun, great program, shocking, i wouldnt even let them do my zed for free :lol:

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I can't watch it for long at all - most of them are idiots!


Although who has an F430 and lets car park cleaners touch it. Must be from the same school that the owner of the Audi R8 left in the train station car park today went to....... :headhurt:


+1, and the bitching of who is going has begun, great program, shocking, i wouldnt even let them do my zed for free :lol:

:lol: at my last school students used to raise money for chairty events by offering to clean cars. i did it once, with my old civic and they just spred the dirt around. :headhurt::scare:


second time it came round i actually paid them not to clean it. :boxing: now i have the zed they definatly aren't coming near it.

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Five years ago this programme used to have contestants that were true entrepreneau's that were all self-starters who already earnt more than the £100k that Sir Alan was offering. Now its full of gimps from people earning £20k a year as (no offence to anyone that does any of these jobs but.......) Teachers, Estate Agents, Trainee's, Car Sales people, Pub Managers etc etc. There is nothing wrong with these jobs at all but the people on this show are supposed to be potentially the cream of the crop, the best bright up and coming young business minds that we have to offer.


One bird adds up on a calculator and says nothing about the spiralling costs, the others clean £150k cars with with sponges and leave the wax on them!! I'm not sure who was stupider, the women who couldn't work a pressure washer or the dealer for letting them loose on the cars!?!?!?!? The blokes spend 90 mins on ONE car and then wash them with the doors open!


I'm sorry but there was nobody tonight who showed any business acumen, initiative or drive to warrant giving them anything other than their normal job back!!!


Don't get me wrong, i love this programme, but the quality of contestants has deteriorated over the years.......


I kept meaning to apply for this as I'd love a good rumble with Sir Alan :boxing::lol:

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I'm sorry but there was nobody tonight who showed any business acumen, initiative or drive to warrant giving them anything other than their normal job back!!!


Don't get me wrong, i love this programme, but the quality of contestants has deteriorated over the years.......



+1, feel exactly the same bud, is pretty shocking!

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Oh my frikkin god, just saw the girls wash them luxury cars.

I cringed, but in all honesty the manager of that place should be sacked for letting them even anywhere near the cars.

Especially after seeing what gear they had, should have called a halt instantly.

To me it looked like they thought spray polish (think Mr.Sheen) was suitable.

God forbid if they used it on the paintwork.

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Now its full of gimps from people earning £20k a year as (no offence to anyone that does any of these jobs but.......) Teachers, Estate Agents, Trainee's, Car Sales people, Pub Managers etc etc. There is nothing wrong with these jobs at all but the people on this show are supposed to be potentially the cream of the crop, the best bright up and coming young business minds that we have to offer.


:lol::dry: i'm a teacher, i'm not saying i'm a valid candidate, but i probably have more business sense than they do, my degree in engineer design had modules over 4 years that covered project management, competitive manufacturing, TQM amongst other things. i was the only person on my course and i'm fairly certain in my year, that actually sold there disitation, i'm one of the youngest teachers in the school and i drive if i don't mind saying so myself the nicest car in the car park... don't worry i wasn't offended i work with teachers and there can be a few doughnuts who work in schools and the majority wouldn't be suitable sugar material


but i understand what you mean, the caliber of contestants is pityful. i wouldn't even employ some of them to teach my kids, let alone run a company. the only thing most of them have is over sized ego's and the ability to view themselves as better than they actually are.


what makes me laugh is when most of them give there current job titles i wouldn't have a clue what they actually do, fancy titles for f all work.


not in the show but an example:


regional distribution manager for paper colation devices (stationary manager in charge of paper clips)


which brings me to another rant. i can't stand people who have titles they haven't earnt or to glorify a mundane job.


my main gripe is refuse engineers :bang: since when is a dustman a f**king engineer, i studied for 4 years for the privelege of being referred to as an engineer. there a sodding dustman i'm sorry :rant: rant over

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my main gripe is refuse engineers :bang: since when is a dustman a f**king engineer, i studied for 4 years for the privelege of being referred to as an engineer. there a sodding dustman i'm sorry :rant: rant over

I'm a fully trained Twistlock Technitian and Shipworking Specialist.






...or just call me a docker

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glad they dropped that blondie in there for a bit of eye candy. Once she leaves, i'll probably switch over to grand designs :lol:

+1 :lol:


The thing that gets me is that Sugar has been advertising this new series as having some really good candidates this year. I tool that to mean they had good business acumen and a real drive to win. Seems all we got were a bunch of jumped up twats with inflated egos and no idea what they are doing. I mean did you see the nonce who is a trainee stockbroker. He actually had braces on! Can you get any more stereotypical! :doh:


Still, I bet it will be entertaining this year...

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