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Can things get any worse?


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Just another example of anti car Labour policy. Their justification is that it will reduce road deaths yet according to their statistics "the fact we are killing 3,000 people a year on our roads, it would be irresponsible not to do something about it." Yet they state in the following paragraph that " New research by the Department for Transport has found that reducing the speed limit could save 200-250 lives a year" So if speeding accounts for only 200-250 lives a year, what is the cause of the remaining 2750-2800? So called drivers who can't drive and non-nationals that haven't even had any driving tuition most likely!!

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I would like to see the information from these fatal crashes, im no expert but I can guarantee that almost non of them were travelling at or below the national speed limit. There is a high likelyness that they were hooning it way beyond that. So what is lowering the limit going to achieve?


If they were that concerned about "road safety" then they would force all cars to be fitted with speed limiters, but they just LOVE that revenue that comes from those speeding tickets.


Greedy barstuards!



R :rant::rant::rant:

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Better driver training is the only way. Having seen those programmes "Britains Worst Driver" you realise that there are so many people out there who shouldn't even be allowed on a pushbike. Lack of ability, patience & awareness. We have all seen drivers who are a danger on the roads at whatever speed. :angry::rant:

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i think they should introudce it, but anyone who holds an advanced drivers licence is exempt. also race driver licences would count as well. ;)


if you look on top gear archive there was an intervieew with the minister for transport and clarkson dismantled his argument abouy cameras.


he explained that the death rate before cameras had been falling for the previous 3 years without government intervention. then with the intervention of cameras they stopped falling and actually went up a little.


don't believe statistics, especially the governemnts they can be made to look or read how ever you want them to. they only target small sections and never revel a true answer.


its a tax increase on motoring and thats all it is. as its far easier to tax the hell out of motorists than it is to do other things like improve imigration, penalise criminals, fix the health service etc.


this government suck always have done and if you think when they were last voted in only 55% of the voting public actually voted and of that 55% only about 25% voted for labour. which means that this government was voted in by only about 17% of the british public. this government is not a true representation of what the public want. there should have been a general election when blair left (don't get me started on blair, the filthy bloody liar) :rant:


ahhhhhhhhh politics and politicians just **** me off, you cant really trust any of them regardless of party, their only concern is number one, they are over paid, over important retards :rant::rant::rant::rant::rant::rant::rant::rant: rant over

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totally agree, with having them in front of schools etc.


i work at one and there was a kid hit by a car last month. sixth former driving to fast came off a blind corner and hit him on a zebra crossing. more down to lack of experience and imaturity on the drivers behalf, the kid was ok, but it could have been worse.


i also think there should be double yellow lines, a traffic worden and clampers outside schools as well especially the primary schools. all those bloody parents with huge chelsea tractors picking up one child.


if i had my way there be a para regiment with rocket launchers perched on school roofs picking off parents who can't park, pick stupid places to stop, clog up the road.

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totally agree, with having them in front of schools etc.


i work at one and there was a kid hit by a car last month. sixth former driving to fast came off a blind corner and hit him on a zebra crossing. more down to lack of experience and imaturity on the drivers behalf, the kid was ok, but it could have been worse.


i also think there should be double yellow lines, a traffic worden and clampers outside schools as well especially the primary schools. all those bloody parents with huge chelsea tractors picking up one child.


if i had my way there be a para regiment with rocket launchers perched on school roofs picking off parents who can't park, pick stupid places to stop, clog up the road.


I live near a High School and a Primary. There are loads of 4x4s came to pick kids up at the primary school. My sister is one of them! However I must say the parking is very good as the school itself has taken action to ensure it is buy issuing notes to parents and getting double yellows painted.

Nothing at the high school as there isn't the same problem.

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some of the locals near where my parents used to live were terrible.


and the parents at mine some of them stop in really stupid places. there is a dropping off point, but some parents instead of pulling in to it so others can go on into the carpark like to stop in the exit area, and so everyone has to wait till they shift.


and when your running late, it really p1$$es you off :dry:

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