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Rachel Bilson (NSFW)


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Well i apologise for posting afew harmless pics, but maybe the mods should have made it clear that they did not want any pics posted on the forum anymore. I shall refrain from posting anymore pics :) But its shame really as its all a bit of banter :thumbs:

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Well i apologise for posting afew harmless pics, but maybe the mods should have made it clear that they did not want any pics posted on the forum anymore. I shall refrain from posting anymore pics :) But its shame really as its all a bit of banter :thumbs:



:dummy::cry: so we cant post pics of hot women anymore? Im confused :wacko:

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As with many things in life Jay, its very difficult to draw a line beyond which posts are unnacceptable. The comparison between something which is removed and something that was previously allowed is always very difficult to justify.


With the high volume of these threads recently it was inevitable that at some point one of the team would have to step in and say enough.


After discussion it was felt that the best way to avoid this situation was to remove the section.


Several other posts are removed due to their possibly offending members. Thankfully, on this forum this is uncommon and it makes the position of moderator a lot easier.


Posts are not removed by an individual as they may find them offensive, its a team decision and a mod removing a post always has to justify it to the rest of the team.


There is also a broader liability issue to be considered which is not an issue in this case but has to considered when jokes or other links are posted.


An announcement was to be made during the transition to the new forum but many of the team have been very busy setting it up recently so it hasnt hit the top of the list yet. :)

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As with many things in life Jay, its very difficult to draw a line beyond which posts are unnacceptable. The comparison between something which is removed and something that was previously allowed is always very difficult to justify.


With the high volume of these threads recently it was inevitable that at some point one of the team would have to step in and say enough.


After discussion it was felt that the best way to avoid this situation was to remove the section.


Several other posts are removed due to their possibly offending members. Thankfully, on this forum this is uncommon and it makes the position of moderator a lot easier.


Posts are not removed by an individual as they may find them offensive, its a team decision and a mod removing a post always has to justify it to the rest of the team.


There is also a broader liability issue to be considered which is not an issue in this case but has to considered when jokes or other links are posted.


An announcement was to be made during the transition to the new forum but many of the team have been very busy setting it up recently so it hasnt hit the top of the list yet. :)



I understand that Martin and yes life is full of hard decisions but as far of offending people i find it hard to believe that people now a days will be offended by an attractive lady. However if it was a naked picture i would fully get it. But as i enjoy the forum i will respect the mods wishes and i am sure others will to. :thumbs:

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Thanks Jay, we try to be very fain and even handed on here. Bikinis ok, naked not ok, how about hald naked.


When you get too much time to post and the team make you a mod you get to see some of the stuff which is removed amd i am sure you would agree that it should have been. I just hope Adam doesnt branch out :lol:

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So i am going to wade my big foot in.....


Quite clearly the babes section is a bit of harmless fun which most enjoy. Why not listen to the members instead of banishing it. State clear regulations of what can and what cant be posted i.e ankles showing etc etc....


Why not put up for a poll and be democratic about it?

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So i am going to wade my big foot in.....


Quite clearly the babes section is a bit of harmless fun which most enjoy. Why not listen to the members instead of banishing it. State clear regulations of what can and what cant be posted i.e ankles showing etc etc....


Why not put up for a poll and be democratic about it?


We do listen to and represent the members. All of them. Get over it. :dry:

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we've had hardly any activity in the Babes subforum in over 3 years. All of a sudden it became very active and was bringing something to the forum that the team didn't agree with. The team decided to take the action it did and removed the subforum once it had gone quite, hoping that it was just a phase with its popularity so its removal prevented future posting in this section. In hindsight we should of removed the subforum a long time ago. We hope this hasn't put anyone off and hopefully members still get plenty from the forum without the babes subforum.

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Think we just need to close this now. Babes section is gone and wont be returning. Its a decision thats been made and if you want your daily kick of women, feel free to PM Sarnie, he has a nice long list of websites for you ;)

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Thats ok zedrush i know your confused but its ok! Being gay is ok in the 21st centuery, just come out the closet :lol::p


Dude for the 10th time now I will not go on a date with you, incest and homosexuality is not what Im into. Although to note, this forum would not turn their back on a gay member... jay. Infact I dont think any member on here would turn their backs on a gay member, all are accepted... sarnie might turn his back on a gay member... but thats what he is into I guess, so you might be in luck jay :lol:

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