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How to claim against pothole damage


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My mom rang me quite distraught this morning as she had hit a pothole and had a blow out in the ford ka. Luckily she managed to control it.


I have had a quick look through our friend google but all of the advice seems to be conflicting.


Can anyone point me in the right direction to make a claim.


My mom has taken photos and measurements already and has the reciept for the damage. Think it was just a new tyre though.


Thanks in advance.

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If you are in the AA etc they will give you good advice.

Yup or CAB ( http://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/ ). So long as you have dated photos with measurements then you shouldnt have a problem claiming it.


Hate bloody potholes and man covers with a vengence. My mates dad went over a man hole cover which was 2" deep and threw him off his CBR. Was a nasty incident which needen't have happened :rant:

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hi mate, councel is paying out I took pics with measurements they send a form through of which you attach pics of pothole then they pay, they said had I not of taken pic of measurement they wouldnt have done ;) But got to say, it was Nixy who advised me on this so thanks Nixy if not said already :thumbs:

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Thanks for the replies.


Do you think the photos have to have the digital time stamp?


Will get the forms from the council in the morning.


Thanks again


Dont worry about that, when you take a picture with a digital camera, the exact date and time of the shutter-release are recorded to your image file, along with many other bits of "metadata." its called an EXIF file that you cant remove from the picture detailing time and date when opened :thumbs:

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Get some pictures of the hole, the approach and what road it is on - and get them quickly. They are pretty good at filling them in......


I have claimed off the council before for exactly this, PM me if you want to know anything specific mate :)

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Dont worry about that, when you take a picture with a digital camera, the exact date and time of the shutter-release are recorded to your image file, along with many other bits of "metadata." its called an EXIF file that you cant remove from the picture detailing time and date when opened :thumbs:

Wanna bet? I can change EXIF information on my photos, its dead easy. Thats why in court they wont accept digital photos as evidence. Also, why you should always keep a film camera in your car in case of accident ;)


Having said that, a digi photo with the time stamp will be more than enough as most people dont know how to change the EXIF data. The counsil dont understand that stuff so if you have a photo then they will accept it as long as it has some kind of relative measure so they can see how deep it is.


They are also cheeky buggers, I have heard a few stories of people not getting a photo on the scene, report it and go back to get a pic only to find its been filled already! :angry:

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I only just had my two new 20's fitted yesterday after waiting 3 months for the council to pay out for them.

Make sure your mum takes photos of the damage, pothole, how deep the pothole was and a photo of the road it was on showing the direction she was travelling in.

I actually cocked up when i did my claim as they ask for a map showing where the pothole was and because i dont travel on the road often i marked the location completely wrong! but the inspection guy phoned me when he was trying to find the pothole to prove it was there and i went and met him and he corrected the location on the map for me (nice man!)

They sent me a letter first saying that they wasnt going to pay out until i said i would take them to court and letter came in the post saying they were giving me 'favorable consideration' and they BACs the payment into my account. :boxing:


Oh and just to add, when the inspections guy found the pothole they had already filled it but my pics matched the exact shape and size of the hole so they couldnt wriggle out of it :thumbs:

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