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prats in car parks


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thought i'd share my anger with people who understand...


why oh why do idiots insist on parking an inch from my wing mirror in a massive great big car park that's empty??? :rant:


its one of those open gravel car parks that has no marked bays, and is never full, and this morning some prat parks about an inch from my wing mirror - i decided to stay put until he got out - more as a deterrent . he knew i was in the car but still f'ing taps it with his door when he got out. :rant:


Needless to say I got out very quickly to check for damage - thank fully there wasn't any, but by this time was was legging it half way accross the carpark fully aware of what he had done :rant:


bloody idiots


then...i nearly get mowed down by a great big dhl van in a pedestrianised square - on his mobile...

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I know the feeling very well.


I parked at the far end of Tesco's car park at the weekend with literally dozens of free spaces around me.

I came out of the shop and someone in a Renault Scenic had parked so close to the drivers side that I had to go in through the passenger door ( and at 6'4" that is not an easy thing to do ) :angry:

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I parked my car in a carpark in town, went to the machine to grab a ticket, to find some f**kwit had parked his poncy 4x4 (not a proper 4x4, a polished take the kids to school in central london one) right next to my s14, and was leaning his door against the side of my effing car while his kids got out the back!!! :rant:


The cheek of people never ceases to amze me... :rant: Did see red and have a bit of a go at him.. he couldn't see what I was so p*ssed off about! Grrr!! ****!

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  zedwagon said:


thought i'd share my anger with people who understand...


why oh why do idiots insist on parking an inch from my wing mirror in a massive great big car park that's empty??? :rant:


its one of those open gravel car parks that has no marked bays, and is never full, and this morning some prat parks about an inch from my wing mirror - i decided to stay put until he got out - more as a deterrent . he knew i was in the car but still f'ing taps it with his door when he got out. :rant:


Needless to say I got out very quickly to check for damage - thank fully there wasn't any, but by this time was was legging it half way accross the carpark fully aware of what he had done :rant:


bloody idiots


then...i nearly get mowed down by a great big dhl van in a pedestrianised square - on his mobile...




Should have set Cheetah on them!

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  Craig782 said:




Can we get something similar printed like the spotted cards? Would definatley buy a load of cards that let others know my feelings towards them. . .usually feelings of hatred and disgust at driving habits :lol:

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I think I have a load of those 'dont park so f***ing close!' fliers somewhere - a slightly ruder version not with Mr Mouse on it - see if I can dig them out - get them photocopied and bring a load to the Wales meet - if I remember! :thumbs:


These muppets just dont give a stuff about anyone else! :boxing:

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i was very close to printing one of those off and sticking it under his wiper - but as i park in that car park quite a bit and am the only zed in there decided against it for that reason!!!


parked in more up market car park yesterday and came back to the car to find someone had hit the passenger door and left a small (very small but i noticed!) horizontal crease in the middle of the door with a black spec in the middle of it - not happy ! :angry:


the car spent 5 years in japan and was perfect before it arrived here!

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This really really pi$$es me off!! But short of wrapping your car up in cotton wool (hmm..... there's an idea.......) what can you do! :boxing:


I take the runabout (old 106 diesel) shopping etc, but can't just not drive the Z anywhere - where would be the enjoyment (or point of owning) in that.


One of those things we have to (reluctantly) accept :angry:

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