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Car Got Keyed Down Passenger Side!


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Just got back from Halfords (strangely enough to buy some T-Cut) and parked the car up outside my flat and as I was walking away from the car I glanced at the passenger side and to my horror saw huge scratches down the rear wheel arch and across the passenger door I was mad! Clearly this had just happened when my car was parked in the Halfords car park and in the space of 5 mins. I was sceptical about being able to remove the scratches as I've used t-cut in the past on other german cars for lighter scratches and it hasn't made an impression possibly due to the thick lacquer. I thought I was going to have to pay out for a huge re-spray.


Well with the help of my girlfriend and the "Car Plan" T-cut I'd just bought I gave it ago and bit by bit I managed to remove all the scratches. I then used some meguirs "deep crystal" polish to even it all out and get back the shine and it looks 99% as it was. You can notice a small line if you look at the paint in certain light at an angle but only looks like the car has scraped through a bush or something, thats if you notice the line. Hopefully it can be removed with a machine polish. So all in all I'm very happy! The soft paint of the 350z does have its advantages.


Clearly the 350z to some people is too much of a "flash" car and it makes them jealous f***ers. My car cost less than a bog standard brand new Focus. Anyone else had similar situations?

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this is why i always park miles away from everyone in carparks. my wife hates the fact that i make her walk loads, but i'm paranoid someone is going to be mean to her.


i have already picked up a ding where some scoat of a child has flung it open to get out and hit my rear wheel arch.

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I do this too :D gf gets quite annoyed sometimes when we walk half a mile to the shop. It was quite quiet this arvo and parked in a good open space and as I was walking to halfords I did notice a rough looking pair of kids in a car nearby who looked out of place but I thought nothing of it as I was literally going in and out of the shop. If only I'd parked much closer to the store this time.. and got their number plate! :rant:

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Glad to hear that you managed to save the paintwork, and fingers crossed a machine polish will clear it alltogether.


Still doesnt excuse the fact that as Dave says, these morons want knee capping.


Even though Z's now can be bought for less than the price of a new focus or other car, they are still somehow seen as "flash". Nice in some respects, but it obviously brings out the not so nice side too.

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Glad it just not me who parks ages away :lol: , girlfriend does her nut sometimes, allways remember at lakeside though, parked right over the back, and it was raining, she was not happ but then when we left there was a bloke with a brand new audi tt in wite and some prat had scrapped all down the side of it, sort of said to her see..............., :lol:, and since then she is a tad slighty better :lol: , but does do my head in, jealous people, never got it and prob never will :surrender:

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Glad you sorted it all out. Matth. Nothing worse then coming back to find someone has 'customised' your car with a key.


I do exactly the same with parking miles away from other cars. I won't even chance taking mine to the cinema car park in Middlesbrough, dent heaven with the tight spaces.

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