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So what have you been doing.....


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I went into Town for lunch and shopping yesterday then spent the evening at a friends so it's actually cost me money! Spent most of today doing boring domestic chores and fighting with the co-habiting ex! Its all good fun here.......... :dry:

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That took longer than I expected Andy :lol:


What the car to be finished or my reply?? :lol:



:lol: cant wait to see it, about bloody time :blush:


I can't remember where anything is in the car, like the light switches etc....will be a whole new experience again! :blush:

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Did the tunnel run sat night, was 400 odd cars in the end, so a huge event. Drove through many tunnels, got lost and came home, got in about 4am!


Got upo at 6 and went to work doing overtinme today, im TIRED! :yawn:

Lightweight :p


I stole Adrians old Nismo and put it on my car. Now he wants it back as it sounds the nutts and his isnt loud enough. Time for the BuddyClub mate!


My fuel consumption is now down the pan as I drive everywhere with the windows open and booting it :blush:

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