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Clutch Noise


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Right I'm going to apologies now guys, as I have a feeling my problem might be the "infamous Z-click".


I just went for a drive in the Z, and although my clutch always feels a bit jerky I could hear some sort of rattle sound. Quite feint, but noticeable if you are listening intently.


I am extremely careful with my cars and assume every little sound or feeling is going to require an engine rebuild, but none the less I feel I need to ask.


When I pulled into my drive way I put the Z in neutral and this rattle was very apparent. I compressed the clutch and it went away, I put it in first and it went away. I'm pretty sure it's only like this after a drive and not straight away or I would notice then too. Is this that well known rattle, or something more sinister :surrender:

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Yep typical Nissan trait I'm afraid, mines done it since new and so have all the other, sometimes it sounds like a diesel stood still, but you learn to live with it.. If you dip the clutch the while stationary the noise should almost disappear, that should prove that it's a noisey clutch release bearing and nothing else..

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  matth76 said:
1st and 2nd gear changes are always a bit "jolty/jerky" and not as smooth as some cars.

I call it meaty gearbox, its a man thing :thumbs:B) Shouldnt be jolty or jerky in terms of acceleration though, just takes a bit of effort to get it in gear some times.

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