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Has anyone replaced their front side reflectors?


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My front side orange reflectors (the two on the front of the car - one underneath each headlight) are a bit scratched and I want to replace them. Is this pretty easy to do or is it a bumper off job or can you do it by jacking up the car and reaching from behind the bumper? Also how much are they each?


Thanks for any info.

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I replaced one side without taking off bumper and i have washers and took about an hour i think. Would be quicker doing the other side as know what i was doing.



I posted up a guide of how to without taking off the bumper, not that its that difficult of a job. Might be quicker to take the bumper off if doing both but not sure never done it!

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i think it would be quicker taking the bumper off...


I've had mine off a few times now so could finish the job in about an hour - but the first time it took me about 5 hours to replace the reflectors - and that was without taking the bumper off.


It was snowing though, and i couldnt feel my fingers!

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