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Damn what a morning to have a commute...


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...Blimy it was cold this morning, my drivers door and boot were frozen locked shut, only way in was through the passengers door! Couldnt unlock the drivers door full stop until i havd the car driving for about half an hour!


Finally got off my drive after clambering over the console to get the scraper, and OMG the roads were like ice rinks.


Got to the main road after about 20 mins only to hit a HUGE tail back. Sit there for maybe 20 mins moved about 6ft, and a bloke comes walking down the queue telling us all that a lorry has overturned and blocked the main road in BOTH directions so were not going anywhere for a few hours and to try another way.


Went up a country lane i know to skirt round it and my god i had to drive down it at tickover and the wheels /traction was still coming on every 5 seconds. Survived the 2-3 miles of this and got back on the main road again.


WOOHOO i thought as i went up to 50 and hit another patch of ice smack bang in the middle of the A4, luckily i wasnt turning or anything and managed to control the slide until i was back on tarmac! Wasn't just me tho, the cars that had followed me thru the contry did the exact same all behind me, got to the roundabout just after and low and behold a car in the ditch.


At this point i thought i was through the worst, got on the motorway only to find out there was a 12 car pile-up on my exit junction when i got there, so sat in a queue for another hour for it to be partially cleared.

Just before work, another 2 cars smashed in on the other side!


A BAD day to be an insurance company i think!


Sorry for the essay guys!



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Doesnt sound good mate! I got half way to Reading on the A33 to find it was closed both ways so headed home. Kept an eye on the BBC traffic site for it to clear, gave it half an hour and headed to work. Traffic was slow but the ice had gone thankfully.


Sounds like you had a right mare!

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