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This week I will mostly be driving .... (if the snow stops!)


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An Alfa Spyder DIESEL!!!!


After some lovely lady decided to reverse into my drivers side fog/indicator and scrape my bumper, its off to be repaired and this is what I get to drive while its away for a few days. Not really the weather for a drop top! Only 5k on the clock, but it does leave something to be desired in the handling stakes!



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CS: Its a cracking looking car, and they do say to be a true petrolhead you have to have "had" an Alfa (does this count ;) ). My neighbours will think I'm mad though, thinking I've just bought a nearly new drop top when its snowing!


  Trev-the-Rev said:
Sorry to hear about the accident to the Zed, Chris. At least the Alfa's FWD which is preferable than RWD in the snow.

I would normally agree, but on the way back into our close, it was sliding all over the place, but the Zed was nice and planted on the way out! Very weird. I guess the TC is very touchy in the Alfa. Zed did have to be dug out though, it was compacting more snow than it could get up when trying to reverse it :lol:


Hopefully the weather will pick up so I can get the roof down. Was told by the other half I wasnt allowed it down in the snow :dry:

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  stanski said:
Sorry to hear about the Zed Chris hope its back soon?


I prefer the Spyder to its Fat ar**d brother the Brerra to be fair!


Get that roof down lad - heaters on - club bobble hat - shades and your away! :lol:

Doesnt have heated seats though unfortunately :cold:

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  SunsetZed said:
Sorry to hear that Chris, please give a full review on the Spider though, I'd be interested to hear what you think of it...

So far, dont go for the diesel! Will report back when I can actually drive it though, if I have it long enough.


The accident was only a parking mishap with my car being stationary. Happened round a good mates house and the lady came and rang the bell straight away. She admitted liability and got me the insurance ref by 10am the next day. Shes been really good bless her. They reckon it will only take 3 days to spray a new bumper and get a new exhaust. Unfortunately they werent open to me getting after market exhaust and bumper, but they seem decent. They're even giving my my clear fog light back if its broken so I can fix it :thumbs:

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  nixy said:
very pretty car. Keep the roof up - you will look a prat otherwise...... :lol:

Well I had to put it down to see what its like. Two problems with it, it takes ages and you cant do it when moving! I was spoilt with my mums old SLK, that was much better, quicker and could be done from the key fob B)


I do like the remote boot opener from the key fob though, we could do with that :thumbs:

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Well the sun is out and its -2C here at work, so I guess that means on the way home I will have to have the top down :lol::lol::lol:


Noticed a few of new annoying/dissapointing things today (1) The washers refuesed to work all the way on my commute today. Zeds normally start working 10mins after engine in warm and the pipes have thawed out. I'm going to put this down to lack of antifreeze in the washer bottle. Will buy some from Tesco later! (2) Window seals are pants when its cold. The drop like ours, but it never made a proper seal again all the way to work apart from the last 5 of 35 miles :rant: Again Zed never done that before. (3) Fuel consumption is pants for a 2.5l Diesel. Zed averages 30MPG on motorway slogs, Alfa manages a measly 33MPG. Who said big petrol cars were gas guzzlers!


Keyfob, starter button and auto lights are cool though B)

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I know you mean about the fuel economy. I have the 159 2.4 Diesel. Since new its average is 36 mpg! I have only manged one full journey at 40mpg and that was motorway pretty much door to door.

looks great though and sounds good for a diesel. (5cyl)

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