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are big kids worse than little kids..........YES!


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As if it wasn't bad enough coming home to about 30 ceiling lights on in various rooms and the heating turned up to 35 while NOBODY was home - oh and the back door unlocked............tonight the freezer is open and everything in it is defrosted! Time for an eviction notice I think! :dry:

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As good a reason as any. I used to come home to something like this, including an open fire with the central heating on. Wondered why I was always broke. My eldest son was back from Mississippi last year & every time I came home he was trying to recreate the summer over there. :scare::rant:

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funnily enough my nephew who's 7 said to me "why don't you take his playstation and put it in the loft - that's what daddy does to me!" :lol:


Will it work with a 21 year old - not sure. I might just move house and not tell him!

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21 st b'day present should have been a suit case and a one way ticket to where ever they want to go.


thats what my parents always threaten me with.


that or just change the locks while there out.


does he pay any rent, my parents made me contribute to the house costs. if i was earning i had to pay my way. did my own washing, had to help out with the cooking and house choirs, if i didn't my parents would have kicked me out.

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hate to say it but my dad used to say to me "when you get your own place i'm coming over and turning all your lights on" :lol:


My son takes that to a whole new level though..............even get his mates queuing up in the drive to pressure wash their cars and nick my cleaning stuff!

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Nix you are just like all mum's, always threatening but when it comes to it you can't stop loving them. Youngest son lives with his mum & although she has had many a run in with him, over so many things, she never wants him to leave (and knowing him he probably won't) he knows which side his bread is buttered.

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No but I could lose them for him..............


Just been in his room, girlfriends overnight stuff is there and her hair straighteners, looks like I have an unexpected visitor!


Make sure you wear your ear muffs to bed.......










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Oh man! That is bad heatring him at it!


When my folks bought a new house when I was 15 or 16 they took the room furthest away from the others. I'm not sure if it was for their benefit or ours! :scare::lol:


I moved out quite young... 20 I packed my bags and moved off to Siberia. Bought my house at 21, got the keys and moved in on my 22nd Birthday. Never asked mum to do cleaning or washing since either! :D

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typical bloke - move from your mum looking after you to your girlfriend...


I left home at 17 - or should I say my parents turned up at my then boyfriend's flat with a suitcase. At the time the flat was full of party people from the night before's activities - talk about embarrassing! :lol:

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I escaped home at 18 - I buggered off to sea!

Got my own proper place at 22 with my then partner,

completely made a hash of that, so moved in with my best mate at 22 and a half.

Moved in with my new girl back in Novemeber, and now we're looking for a bigger place as we both have so much car stuff and other crap!


And Nixy - dont give hum grief about hearing him and his missus at it.

I know from experiance that its just as annoying when a kid hears parents any time during their childhood!

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typical bloke - move from your mum looking after you to your girlfriend...


I left home at 17 - or should I say my parents turned up at my then boyfriend's flat with a suitcase. At the time the flat was full of party people from the night before's activities - talk about embarrassing! :lol:


it would be the case if my parents weren't strict with me, i used to do loads at home to help out, i was looking for a flat to buy when i met my wife, and ended up moving into her place as it made more sense.


and now that i'm married (and before i was married) i do most of the cooking, i do most of the hoovering, i do the washing dishwasher, clean the litter tray, and even occassionally clean the odd toliet.


my wife in her defence does have to put up with the fact that i am terribly untidy. she regularly goes round and picks up my socks and shirts that i leave around the house, and she is the anally tidy person so she cleans the kitchen and keeps everything hygenic. a match made in heaven, between the 2 of us we do everything.

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