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Any up for glencoe on wednesday?


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Airfix or Plastercine model's Adam?? :p (Just kidding)


Rest of us working folk would love to go there matey unfortunatley my factories need to keep churning out soap for the great unwashed! :lol:


Put up some pics so we can see what we are missing out on?

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Its good to know there are some boarders on here. Just got back from my first weeks snowboarding away in Pila, Italy. Have a few pics for you all to laugh at.


Definately looking at going to Scotland before the end of this season, Need to have another long weekend at least before all the snow disappears!


http://s387.photobucket.com/albums/oo32 ... gajump.jpg


http://s387.photobucket.com/albums/oo32 ... illand.jpg


http://s387.photobucket.com/albums/oo32 ... heView.jpg

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Damn you boarders - the Skiers arch nemesis - carving up our snow with your Tea trays! :p:lol:


Damn you Stanski and your sticks of shame :) I used to be a skier when I was at school, this was my first year on the 'tea tray' after many years of not going away on the piste!


Just checked the snow forcast for Scotland and it says there is only 10-15cms on the slopes and some resorts are shut. Is this correct? :scare:

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Damn you boarders - the Skiers arch nemesis - carving up our snow with your Tea trays! :p:lol:


Damn you Stanski and your sticks of shame :) I used to be a skier when I was at school, this was my first year on the 'tea tray' after many years of not going away on the piste!


Just checked the snow forcast for Scotland and it says there is only 10-15cms on the slopes and some resorts are shut. Is this correct? :scare:


Sticks of shame! :lol:


I'm only jealous - dont have the bottle to board - worry about my wrists getting snapped off!


Anyway I am far too old -not a 20 year old Web Developer from New Zealand with groovy hair and tan! :surrender:


Enjoy yoursleves folks :D

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