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Residual Values?


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With the tempting offers on the last of the unregistered 350z's at the minute and the imminent arrival of the 370z, whats people's thoughts on likely residual values of the 08/58 plate models after 3 years? Bit of a crystal ball needed I think in these uncertain times.


Really tempted to do a part ex with my 04 plate, although the missus still needs convincing lol. Trying to play the 3yr warranty card at the minute





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Cheers Matt,


Been reading through a few other posts but missed that one. Some good points in there, pros and cons. My z is my daily driver so Im tempted by the engine upgrade in the new model and the idea of only having to worry about servicing and consumables costs for the next 3 years.


I wonder if there are likely to be any further price reductions before the 370z arrives?



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Once the 370z arrives in July 08/58 cars will be trading around £15/£16k imo.......they are £20k now........credit crunch...........impending new model on the horizon............3 yr old cars can be bought for about £13/£14k at the moment.......in another 3 years 08/58 cars will be even cheaper..........



If you want the 313 engine, get an 07 plate.........saw a red non GT 07 2.5k miles for £12k on AT tonight............

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Hmm, think youre right and prices will definitely come down a bit more, its just a case of by how much. So probably no harm in waiting a little while then and see what happens.


12k jeezus thats cheap, and to think my 04 GT was worth that not too long ago :scare:

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