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does anyone else have 'man flu' (mildly NSFW)


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If you want some tablets I have lots, marvelous thing too, who needs alchohol.


Havent driven the car for 11 days though :blush:

Is that because instead of seeing the car you see a big pink elephant or am I thinking of the wrong tablets? :)


Nixy, I'm sure you'll be fine. With any luck everyone else in the presentation will have flu too!

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Nixy, my other half is suffering much the same at the moment, but she is also trying manuka honey along with the vitamin C, lemon and echinacea. It's supposed to be really good for colds, flu and lots of other stuff. Mind you, what a smell in the kitchen with all that going on!


When I showed her the Santa picture, she immediately noticed how artificially bright their teeth were.

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just taken 1000mg of vit c - 2 glasses of water (I never drink enough) and flu capsules. Feel a little bit better today. Won't I die if I take everything from the list above? :lol:


Nah, trust me, I used to work in pharmacy - although perhaps not best to take them all in one go!! :lol: Vitamin C and echinacea just supplements... it's okay to take paracetamol and ibuprofen together as long as you follow recommended dosages ... and pseudoephedrine is just a decongestant (just don't take it too close to bedtime or you may be up all night lol)


Failing that, just google sexy firemen ;):lol:

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used a whole box of tissues already and have a lovely red crusty nose.

Has Santa asked you to guide the slay yet??!! :p:p:lol::lol:



man flu is a bad slur on men,

Is it what, but it's so true!!! :p:p:lol::lol:



yep, fireman can be ugly as they like but we still love them! You need the 1000mg vit c that you dissolve in water! :thumbs:

Lol, so these guys might be able to help you then. World famous, in NZ. :lol::lol:


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I was feeling like crap for the last couple of days.


My cure, sudafed nasal spray, sudafed decongestant and albas nasel inhaler..... I was just suffering from broken nose syndrome! I think it's maybe time for another operation on my nose.... :scare:

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