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does anyone else have 'man flu' (mildly NSFW)


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Although I am not a man it's definitely man flu i've got. Ache all over - especially head and face, hideously blocked nose, sore throat - used a whole box of tissues already and have a lovely red crusty nose. Feeling well sorry for myself.............someone cheer me up please.

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also nearly showed any passing students the naked ladies as my lap top was still connected to my interactive white board.


had to very quickly disconnect it as the lovely bunch of christmas ladies were life sized and projected on to the front of my workshop :blush::blush::blush::blush:

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oh my god that IS funny! As for man flu - yes its only a bad cold and I feel crap but real flu would mean I couldn't move - only had that once! I still feel the need for sympathy though............I am supposed to be going to Panto on saturday night - I booked it because I thought it would be a good laugh, never been. Hope I feel better by then!

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also nearly showed any passing students the naked ladies as my lap top was still connected to my interactive white board.


had to very quickly disconnect it as the lovely bunch of christmas ladies were life sized and projected on to the front of my workshop :blush::blush::blush::blush:



HAHAHAHAH i remember adding a certain something to a teachers computer :lol: Oh the look on their face when it was displayed on the projector :p I am prob the kid you hate to teach mate ;)

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as we speak my better half is suffering with the weaker strain of Imfluenza called lady sniffles. I'm managing to fight off the man flu at the moment but its a losing battle. Half the office already has it and I don't think I'll be able to hold out until the weekend when I pick the Zed up :(

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Becca is currently suffering very much with Bird Flu - anyone would think she's dying....


You could always ring the fire station and ask them to send someone round to check the smoke alarms? My Nan's done that twice this year! :lol:

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what, while I look like this and scupper my chances? You must be joking! :lol:
Completely forgot about the attraction between women and firemen..........it must be genetic as I've never met a woman yet who doesn't like them!


Cheers for the advice Nixy, chugging down fresh orange juice now.

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also nearly showed any passing students the naked ladies as my lap top was still connected to my interactive white board.


had to very quickly disconnect it as the lovely bunch of christmas ladies were life sized and projected on to the front of my workshop :blush::blush::blush::blush:



HAHAHAHAH i remember adding a certain something to a teachers computer :lol: Oh the look on their face when it was displayed on the projector :p I am prob the kid you hate to teach mate ;)


i started out in a behavoural management unit working with excluded students in coventry.


i really like the difficult ones, there the funniest to work with. drive me up the wall sometimes but thats part of the job, cos when they do it right its great.


last year at my last school, some of my GCSE group thought it would be funny to download a whole file of porn onto my USB when i wasn't looking, i didn't find it for about 2 weeks, and i had lent my pen out to loads of classes for them to save CAD files to etc. thankfully no one found them until i did.


i knew exactly who to speak too. and the lads explained that they thought it would be funny and were trying to make me laugh. it was only after i explained to them how serious it was and that i could have lost my job did they stop laughing. it let them off fairly lightly as they weren't trying to be malicious, but they did nick name me "porn king" on my last lesson with them.


i still can't work out how they got all that material off the net. that school internet was tighter than a nuns bum.

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also nearly showed any passing students the naked ladies as my lap top was still connected to my interactive white board.


had to very quickly disconnect it as the lovely bunch of christmas ladies were life sized and projected on to the front of my workshop :blush::blush::blush::blush:



HAHAHAHAH i remember adding a certain something to a teachers computer :lol: Oh the look on their face when it was displayed on the projector :p I am prob the kid you hate to teach mate ;)


i started out in a behavoural management unit working with excluded students in coventry.


i really like the difficult ones, there the funniest to work with. drive me up the wall sometimes but thats part of the job, cos when they do it right its great.


last year at my last school, some of my GCSE group thought it would be funny to download a whole file of porn onto my USB when i wasn't looking, i didn't find it for about 2 weeks, and i had lent my pen out to loads of classes for them to save CAD files to etc. thankfully no one found them until i did.


i knew exactly who to speak too. and the lads explained that they thought it would be funny and were trying to make me laugh. it was only after i explained to them how serious it was and that i could have lost my job did they stop laughing. it let them off fairly lightly as they weren't trying to be malicious, but they did nick name me "porn king" on my last lesson with them.


i still can't work out how they got all that material off the net. that school internet was tighter than a nuns bum.


Lol that is somethin fairly similar to what we did! Our school was very strict as it is seen to be one of the best in glasgow but our teacher was ace! So we thought we would give him a bit of a giggle, it didnt leave the class room so was fine!

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