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JAE2009 date change clash with Zedfest2009

Steve Burns

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Jae 2009 clash

Just read today that Jae 2009 date is being moved yet again


The reason we held Zedfest in September is so it wouldn't be too near the original late July date that JAE always traditionally was

Bad news of date change of JAE


2008 saw JAE change the date at the last minute to the end of August a bit near to zedfest but managable


The latest news on the JAE website has really effed it up now as we have managed to book the venue for ZedFEST a while ago on the basis that JAE had been promoted for 2009 so far as the same date in August


This is the quote from the JAE website


There has been an AWFUL LOT of discussions with various local authorities and other interested parties and a site meeting was held yesterday. If we can iron out the last few bits then we should be fine for.... SEPTEMBER! smile.gif

Oh well people will have to pick which one is for them

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Zedfest for me.


I was hoping that the relocation of JAE in 2008 would have resulted in it becoming more central (especially when that was quoted as one of the primary criterea when choosing the new location), when it moved even further South East than before, it killed it for me I'm afraid.

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i went to JAE in 2007 and wasn't that impressed. had been told how good it used to be when it was a billing areodrome.


not sure what it was like last year at mersea, but it is just down the road for me.


definatly want to try out zedfest. but might try jae again if other people are going.

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Thing is, JAE at Mersea this year was absolutely brilliant, with a proper decent atmosphere back again. Yes, there were huge **** ups with the organising of the whole thing still (the least of which was that they'd been working to the wrong scale when dishing out space for each stand!) but the fact that everyone was so much closer together made for a brilliant weekend.


In all honesty it'd probably be better if John and Claire stood down really and let others have a crack at it, but then I doubt we'd end up with a JAE at all.

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In all honesty it'd probably be better if John and Claire stood down really and let others have a crack at it, but then I doubt we'd end up with a JAE at all.


The reason that John and Claire took over in the first place was when after spending 7 months of my life organising the 2003 JAE at Billing at the after event club rep meet I asked if anyone would step up to the plate and take on the 2004 event not a single person stepped forward


Until around xmas time it looked as if JAE had run its course when John and Claire stepped in with an offer to use their events company to run the event

What people don't realise now is since it moved away from Billing it costs a fortune to put on and to fund it I know that bank loans initially have been taken out to keep it going


IMHO the event has grown into a monster and can not be run and organised by volunteers in their spare time and by god I should know after the 2003 event


The nicest ting about last year was it seems that by moving away from the bleak unfriendly venue of the EAST of England show ground the event returned to the friendly one that it had always been since when the event was first started all those years ago


Sorry for the somewhat boring responce but just trying to expain the situation as I see it


For without John and Claire JAE would have ended after 2003

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I never managed to get to JAE but have talked to many who really enjoyed it in its older form.


I did however get to Zedfest last year and had a great time. To me it ticks all the boxes. Good central location too.


Best of luck to JAE but I know where I will be. :D

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In all honesty it'd probably be better if John and Claire stood down really and let others have a crack at it, but then I doubt we'd end up with a JAE at all.


The reason that John and Claire took over in the first place was when after spending 7 months of my life organising the 2003 JAE at Billing at the after event club rep meet I asked if anyone would step up to the plate and take on the 2004 event not a single person stepped forward


Until around xmas time it looked as if JAE had run its course when John and Claire stepped in with an offer to use their events company to run the event

What people don't realise now is since it moved away from Billing it costs a fortune to put on and to fund it I know that bank loans initially have been taken out to keep it going


IMHO the event has grown into a monster and can not be run and organised by volunteers in their spare time and by god I should know after the 2003 event


The nicest ting about last year was it seems that by moving away from the bleak unfriendly venue of the EAST of England show ground the event returned to the friendly one that it had always been since when the event was first started all those years ago


Sorry for the somewhat boring responce but just trying to expain the situation as I see it


For without John and Claire JAE would have ended after 2003


But the move so far south effectively ended it for many in the North and Scotland. :dry:

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