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Short Film Help


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Hi guys as some of you may or may not know/care for past 3 months I have taken up as a hobby/and for work the art of filming, directing and post production editing. Going to be doing alot of mini adverts to promote products and also will be doing as a hobby some short films. I just recently qualified as a Final Cut Pro certified user and Im taking classes in lighting and filming. Just purchased a canon xh-a1 and Arri full light kit as well as a jib and manfrotto tripod.


Just starting writing my first short film called dislocated and I need a terminal illness condition for my main character. Did a quick poster for it here:




I have been searching for ages to find a condition which is terminal will give my character two years to live he needs injections everyday and tablets, some days he is fine other days he is bed ridden...


Anyone any clues? I was going to call up local gp to get some info but figured id ask here. The illness cant be noticable to the appearance of the character... :blush:

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Hepatitis B ?


Known as a disease which disrupts the function of the Liver, Hepatitis B is 100 more times more infectious as compared to the AIDS virus, and it destroys the liver for a permanent period of time, until inevitable death occurs. It is usually transmitted through the use of unhygienic medical syringes, or through the transmission of bodily fluids of infected individuals. The disease can prove fatal if the immune system cannot fight off the disease, and may result in the evolving of the more serious disease such as liver cancer or cirrhosis, and finally death of the individual. Most of the children in the US, suffer from this disease. Symptoms for the disease are nausea, vomiting, fatigue and severe unbearable pain circulating around the liver.

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Hepatitis B ?


Known as a disease which disrupts the function of the Liver, Hepatitis B is 100 more times more infectious as compared to the AIDS virus, and it destroys the liver for a permanent period of time, until inevitable death occurs. It is usually transmitted through the use of unhygienic medical syringes, or through the transmission of bodily fluids of infected individuals. The disease can prove fatal if the immune system cannot fight off the disease, and may result in the evolving of the more serious disease such as liver cancer or cirrhosis, and finally death of the individual. Most of the children in the US, suffer from this disease. Symptoms for the disease are nausea, vomiting, fatigue and severe unbearable pain circulating around the liver.


Wow thats some info, only problem which I forget to mention, cant be sexually transmitted is this the case with this illness? Cheers

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Valley fever to you and me.


Chronic coccidioidomycosis

Appearing as many as 20 years after the initial infection, chronic pneumonia due to coccidioidomycosis is most common in people with diabetes or weakened immune systems. You're likely to have periods of worsening symptoms alternating with periods of recovery. Signs and symptoms are similar to those of tuberculosis:


Low-grade fever

Weight loss


Chest pain

Blood-tinged sputum

Nodules in the lungs

Disseminated coccidioidomycosis

The most serious form of the disease, disseminated coccidioidomycosis occurs when the infection spreads (disseminates) beyond the lungs to other parts of the body. Most often these parts include the skin, bones, liver, brain, heart, and the membranes that protect the brain and spinal cord (meninges).


The signs and symptoms of disseminated disease depend on which parts of your body are affected and may include:


Nodules, ulcers and skin lesions that are more serious than the rash that sometimes occurs with other forms of the disease

Painful lesions in the skull, spine or other bones

Painful, swollen joints, especially in the knees or ankles

Meningitis  an infection of the membranes and fluid surrounding the brain and spinal cord and the most deadly complication of valley fever

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Good one Dr Mac :)


And Heb B isnt just sexually transmitted.... Could have been a drug user? Could have been cut in a bar fight....


He could be a cage fighter and caught it through blow from a cut hand on the other fighter...?



God loves a trier 3FIDDY lol! Dont give zedrush to much to think about! You will just confuse him ;)

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Lol thanks all some great info there gonna use, just hope the actor I use can act out these conditions lol :blush: sorry to be a pain is it possible to have an illness which is obtained from birth perhaps a rare heart condition, if involving the heart would be great as can build that into the script metaphorically :blush:

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You could create an illness.......


I doubt anyone would check. Maybe not what you wanted to hear but it could work.


I'll ask my girlfriend as she is a neuroscientist so she might come up with some mega brain disease!

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You could create an illness.......


I doubt anyone would check. Maybe not what you wanted to hear but it could work.


I'll ask my girlfriend as she is a neuroscientist so she might come up with some mega brain disease!


cheers pal, we are quite morbid really arnt we :headhurt::lol:

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