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Not sure whats happening but thought a few companies were going to reinvent old models or bring out promising new models next year...


We had rumours of new supra:


originally was this:




but perhaps looked to much like Lexus LF-A so changed to this:




Then you had talks of the Lexus LF-A




and if Top Secret had their way




Then you had talks of the Porsche Saloon




Are any of these car going to materialised, one Im interested in is the supra and what it will be able to achieve.


Also why is it production cars never look like the concept car???? Why do a concept car in the first place if its not going to be like that in production?????

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its just a prime example of Porsche cashing in on the market and forgetting about what their brand stands for. First the Cayenne and now the Panamera...both such unimaginitive looking cars but because it has that badge on the front they know they will sell millions of them.


Look out for the Porsche city car....coming to London streets soon



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See, I really like the Panamera and think it looks a lot better than it has any right to. I wouldn't buy one myself even if funds allowed, but I don't think it's as hideous as some of the guess-art looked.


its just a prime example of Porsche cashing in on the market and forgetting about what their brand stands for.

I have to disagree with you there. Almost every car manufacturer in the world has gone through some pretty severe brand changes in the last decade or so, and they've had to as the competition has changed. Ford now produce very good cars as they've got to compete with BMW, and Vauxhall are just about turning the same way. Toyota = boring and safe, and so on and so forth. Porsche needed to add the Cayenne just to make enough money to survive, as 911 and Boxster sales weren't doing it for them. It all very well and good to be able to say "Oh, we're a sports car company and that's all we'll ever do" but if it's not paying the bills...


No-one mocked Aston when the Rapide was shown. Same principle in essence. Okay, so the Rapide is somewhat better looking than the Panamera, but the needs are the same.

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