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From gorgeous to disgusting in 5 minutes


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What a great feeling this morning - opening up the garage door, my pride and joy is stood there gleaming from the clean it had yesterday before I put it away. Lovely black tyres. Just got to work and it looks like a pig that's rolled in mud! :dry:

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me too, I love cleaning the car, it's like a hobby to me BUT I hate driving it dirty and when you're at work all week in it and it's dark when you get home it's really frustrating! Do you want a job Stew? Stylist to my Zed? :lol:

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could always cling film wrap your car after you clean it.


drive to work, un-film it. and re clingfilm it before you drive home. ;)


will look spotless in the work carpark, but will look like a mobile packed lunch during the commute :headhurt:

The visuals on that idea is just tooooo funny for words. :lol::lol::lol::p


One of the great things about living in the UK, summers are not much better either. :dry: Bright yellow car and british weather = :scare::headhurt:


I have considered selling it just because of the weather in this country. :dry:

Beavis you need to move countries. :p:p:lol:

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Beavis you need to move countries. :p:p:lol:



I have considered it bronzee ;)

Very cool. What countries take your fancy?


Lol, sorry for the thread jack Nixy, I know what you mean about the Zed being dirty. Winter is so irritating attempting to keep a car clean.

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Aaaw Nixy, we understand, know how you feel.

Washed the Zeddy early on Saturday morning ready to go off to a car club meet, all shiny for the day,stayed that way all day. It was still shiny when I left home yesterday morning, then I got back to it yesterday afo to drive home after the trial, and birds had done massive dumps all over it. Target practice on the Sunset, me thinks. :rant: Poor Zed had another bath last night. :lol:


This was on Saturday at the reserve backing onto the beach.


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I think we should ban anyone who lives in a sunny climate posting up piccys during the British winter which by my reckoning is for around 9 months of the year :dry:

Aaaw, we have horrible Winter too, but it's when you're having Summer. ;) It's been raining there the last two days if that makes you feel any better. :yuck:


Take it easy Nixy. There's a time and a place for practising your drift technique :)

:lol: Need a set of D2's in the Zeddy Nixy?! :p

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