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Firewalls and anti-virus


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I have had Outpost Firewall Pro on my PC for several years and it has performed very well. I also had Norton Anti-virus installed but removed it after having some problems with it. I replaced it with Spyware Doctor and again, this has proved to be very effective at scanning, detecting and removing adware and viruses.


However, I have recently been experiencing problems when online - I keep getting a message from Outpost saying that it has detected a port scan, usually from friendly websites like 350z UK, and that it has temporarily blocked web access. It's a real PITA. I have not recently changed the settings to account for this change and I am wondering if it could be a conflict between the firewall and the anti-virus software that is causing it. Any of you experts like to shed any light on this one?

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this site creates popups so can annoy firewalls esp if you have PM's...


AVG is a well used free one. Is there a way on outpost that you can over ride the access to site and add them to an approved list?


I could try that through the options menu, but I would also have to do it for a good few other regularly-accessed sites.


What do you think about running both Spyware Doctor and Outpost at the same time?

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I think you should be able to add them when you go to the site so not a difficult one... But still a pain!


I run windows defender and that seems to do the trick on the spyware. I think if you know most of the sites are pretty safe then you are probably "too" secure. If you like to click around the place and go surfing everywhere then you are spot on. I am not a pro at all of this and do find lots of AV software too intrusive and ruin your browsing pleasure, but better to be safe than sorry!


Do you have IE or your browser set to dump temp files and cookies at close of the browser? Things like this can help to reduce risk. GoogleBar works well to stop tracking cookies.


What issues were you finding with Norton? I have always found it very good (prefere it to the current Sopho I have on this laptop..). It takes alot of setting up and fiddling with esp the intrusive constant monitoring, but once its setup it works very well..

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I use Firefox for browsing, but I have not checked whether or not it's set to delete cookies on closing; I'll check that out tomorrow.


I had to delete Norton because it was preventing me from upgrading my Btinternet software. However, even after deleting it, I never did get the software to update, hence my use of Firefox. When I tried to re-install Norton, the original CD refused to work, so I downloaded Spyware Doctor. It was only after it was updated recently that I started to get these problems. However, I've now set the options on Outpost to allow 350z uk, and so far no problems today. If necessary, I'll do the same with other favourite sites and that should keep things safe. :thumbs:


Thanks for the help and advice.

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