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Laptop Advice


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Hi guys,


In need of a bit of advice. Looking for a laptop for my dad, it doesn't have to blow you away as this is the first time he'll have even used a computer. So I have been offered the following refurb:


1.5Ghz Pentium Mobile CPU

512MB Ram

40 Gig HDD


XP Pro Licence

14" Screen

£175 with a 3 month warranty (I just realised how much I hate the sound of "3 month warranty"). It also costs an additional £18 for a 12 month warranty.


So do any of you's think this is a reasonable deal or is there any better offers out there. Was really only wanting to pay about £150-£200 max as its just for something to potter about with and then I can look at buying a better spec laptop in the future for him.

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Easy... Buy DELL! I think there may be some refurbs or cheaper models in the spec you need.


Also... 512 on XP is a bit low, but memory is cheap, go for at least 1gb and 2 if you can...


At the price they are now, it would be better to buy new....



Edit: Moved from other thread...

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I disagree. I think 512MB will be more than enough for your dad if its his first time using a computer.


basically, id imagine all he'll ever be doing is surfing the web, and maybe downloading photos. Even the cheapest laptop you can find will be suitable - so i would spend any more on getting more RAM etc - it'll be wasted.


FYI - im running a laptop with 1gig RAM, using Vista (very thirsty). It runs perfectly fine, and im a heavy user - dvd's, music, photoshop etc etc. The figures now are more than ever will be needed - they just exist to sell units.

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1GB on vista??? What laptop you got?


Got a dell with a dual pentium in it and had done all the things to speed it up including the setting for the dual processors and it ghandi could still run faster than it... Am running a CRM and a few other big apps at work and that does take away processor power.


Have 4gb now (paid £36 for it) and it runs like a dream!

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I've got a Dell Vostro 1000 - picked it up in the states for $399 (Worked out at £205 when i was there!)


Its Vista Home basic - it doesnt have any of that Aero junk.


But like i said - its more than good enough. Im a computer programmer by trade, and i work from home on it all the time - no problems at all.


Having said that - i never switch it off - only put it into hibernate when i go to bed. A full boot up takes about 4 minutes!!


Also - part of our product we write at work is a CRM system, and its very thirsty! So that may well be your issue :lol::lol:

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1GB on vista??? What laptop you got?


Got a dell with a dual pentium in it and had done all the things to speed it up including the setting for the dual processors and it ghandi could still run faster than it... Am running a CRM and a few other big apps at work and that does take away processor power.


Have 4gb now (paid £36 for it) and it runs like a dream!



Running a Intel Q6600 quad on a vista 64 bit machine. Got 4 gig in too. It would just not happen with 1 gig i am afraid. Once you go to 64 bit vista and 4 gig of ram you move into another league. BTW the processor is overclocked to 3.0 ghz x 4. B)


Oh and another thing i build my own. ;)

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Yeh, am running premium and most of the AERO stuff is now not running!!


Also, hibernation is the way forward!


CRMs.... Running Dynamics at the moment, that and running MS OCS, Office 2007 all linked together and then Cisco Communicator that links back to the Cisco handset, VPN's and Sophos etc etc etc soon sucks up the resources!!

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