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Another request for support


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Sorry to ask guys but this one is dear to my heart. We do a lot of work with them and they are in need of all the money they can get.


The background: (From the Telegraph..)


LIFEBOAT crews fear being scuppered by crippling new charges for using their radios from Ofcom, the communications regulator. The RNLI could see the price of using its VHF emergency frequencies rise to £250,000 under plans to charge the full commercial rate.


The charity, which saves hundreds of lives every year currently pays an annual £48,000 at a discounted rate of 50 per cent. It relies on donations and fears the move will have a disastrous impact on fundraising. Peter Bradley, RNLI operations staff officer, said: 'It's a lot of money when you think in terms of lifeboat days and little old ladies collecting pound coins.'


'We could buy several inshore lifeboats for the same amount.'


'The Government rely on us to provide this search-and-rescue service, at a cost of £124 million a year, but they want to charge us for doing it!'


Ofcom has set out plans to bring 'market forces' into maritime and civil aviation communications in a policy it calls Administered Incentive Pricing.


£250,000 represents an awful lot of charity collections, even more so in the current economic climate so, if like me you feel strongly enough about this, please sign the petition below.



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The Government response to this petition implies that the charges may even be less than they are now, but that a report is being prepared to evaluate this. I support the lifeboats as much as any but would it not be better to wait to find out what the effect will actually be rather than having a petition quoting an emotive figure, supplied by a paper with 'leanings away from the Government (!)'. The problem is that it can so easily be refuted that it defuses the main point - that it should be free.

Even so, changing the fee to cover how much you actually use a channel seems bizarre!


I still signed, though, as I agree it should be free for such an important charity. :thumbs:

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I'd be happy paying slightly more tax knowing that it went to the RNLI rather than forcing them to raise the cash themselves, they should be government funded in the same way that the police, fire and ambulances services are, the fact that they aren't is frankly scandalous in my opinion.


EDIT: I've signed it!

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