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Thieveing Scum and Autoglass


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Went to see a mate in Birmingham Friday night and some little darling fancied getting in my car.


Woke up Saturday morning with a stinking hangover and only a fry up on the mind to find a large brick sat next to my pride and job and a massive hole in the rear window. The idiots managed to throw it with such force its split the plastic that sits behind the seats, duno how much thats gona cost.


The wonderful weather meant everything in the boot was soaked but my suit managed to hold most of the water.


They was probably after the satnav as the tell tale rings where on the front window but that was in the glove box. They stole a bag (which contained about £7 in coins and some aftershave) left everything else and even took the brick back out of the car?!?.


Anyway Birmingham was alot of fun until that point , the drive home to essex with no rear window wasnt......



They said a part needs to be ordered and could be done for Sunday. Yippe! went ahead and waited for a call from the local yard. No call.


Called them today and they now inform me that the engineer didn't get the paperwork done in time to order the part so the nearest day is Tuesday.




EDIT: And Hi to the people in the convertible 350 who waved and flashed me in brum that was after break in, hangover so sorry for the lack of a wave back

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  marzman said:
Gutted mate. If they'd at least took something like you satnav, or audio system it'd be the perfect chance to justify some upgrades. (As i did when one of my cars was broken into once).


...Actually sod it, get your windows tinted :teeth:


Actually sounds like a plan, I was considering this armour stuff all round but no idea of costs and such?.


Thanks everyone :)

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  Andy said:
Sorry to hear of this mate. If you can get a picture of which bit you exactly need then I may have it as I almost have a complete spare interior at the unit :thumbs:


  GIXXERUK said:
Isnt r35lee selling the plastics from behind the seats mate


bad news ..... scum :rant:


Cheeres Fellas.


Car is not at my house at the moment but its that chunk of plastic that seems to holds the speakers. It has little poppy plugy type things under the back mat all the way along.




Its not the main Z bar its the bit behind that (not my car borrowed the pic).


Ill get a better picture later if possible.

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I have my windows tinted with llumar. It's what the police cars have fitted here in NL as well. It is resistant to a throwed brick, don't know if that good or bad though. As they can't break the windows like that, maybe the'll get pi**ed of and wreck the rest of your car :dry:.

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  p1tse said:
sorry to hear that


where about in brum was it. i was up there for 4 years for uni





Autoglass forgot to order a replacement rubber to surround the screen, so there I was thinking no car for another 3days!. But the engineer guy was on top form he managed to get the old one off, fit it around the new glass, cut the excess that had stretched and rejoin it.


Must say hes done a great job ill confirm that when it rains though :) few piccys attached. Just need to get all the masking/celotape off now boooo!







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