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I now live in a flat in the city centre so no more annoying, abusive, threatening teenagers knocking on the door. When I lived in suburbia I didn't mind so much as between 5 and 7pm the groups of chaperoned pre-teens would come round dressed up and obviuosly having a grand time of it. After 9.00pm the groups of three spotty tw*ts dressed in normal chav clothes would knock... refuse them and your car got a scratch or a mysterious puncture.:rant:


Nowadays I hollow out some turnips and pop a candle in and its peaceful and fun again.


(btw, turnips are so much better than pumpkins, they have hairy bits and wrinkles and shrivel nicely with a tealight in them. They smell good when hot and look quite spooky when the lights are out!)

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We are having the drive done at the moment, so hopefully it will be a great big muddy bog for them to walk across and it will put them off.


To make doubly sure, we tend to go out for a meal to avoid them (they ship them into our area in people carriers as its considered "safer" where we live). Also Ill have the builders park the mini JCB in front of the front door.


Should do the "trick".

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Not Halloween anymore, its that stupid US import Give me something or I will trash your house. My car will be in safe storage :dry:


Love the water idea Dave. :lol:



+1 Too right - keep the devil worshipping in the states - we have Gordon Brown thats enough evil for anyone! :lol::p

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Got a party friday, but really cant make my mind up what to go out as, its a party in a hall, but we are all going out on the town after, so gotta be slightly carefull in what i wear, lol. My girlfirend is going as a policewomen, a joke between her and her mates, long story, but what shall i go as, :lol: . Birthdays down the town apparently got some good costumes, going to have a look tommorrow, wish us luck :headhurt:

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Best I ever went as was a sumo in an inflatable sumo suit. That was 2 or 3 years ago. Lets, say I'm banned from wearing it again..... the ladies loved it!;)


That makes no sense what so ever! Dress up as a fat guy and you have to beat them off with a stick - go out as a real life fat guy and not a sniff.


Bloody mixed up world this is. :dry:

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I know Chris, strange. Honestly though, superb costume. I must have had my pic taken with loads of girls. Not all hot though...... some groups of dudes too. Didn't want to be sexist.:lol:


Ive never used this smiley before but..............



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I know Chris, strange. Honestly though, superb costume. I must have had my pic taken with loads of girls. Not all hot though...... some groups of dudes too. Didn't want to be sexist.:lol:


Ive never used this smiley before but..............




+ 1 :lol:

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