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Rear carbon strut cover issues


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Havent seen anyone elses close up before, but thats typical of most carbon I've seen bar the very expensive Varis/Seibon/etc type pieces which are pretty much perfect, but you pay for that ;)


Zed cut out does look a bit off, I suggest you speak to whoever sold it to you :thumbs:


Seibon and Varis don't belong anywhere near the same paragraph, let alone sentence :)


But Chris is right, some weave imperfections are a bit normal


cutout is off...perhaps a dremel could even it out a bit?


was going to suggest painting the silver piece black..it would be hard to spot then unless youre right out on top of it. Or, if you want a less permenant solution, get yourself some vinyl sticker material in black, cut a square and trim around the Z, then place the carbon piece over it.

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I had the same cover on my last Z and it was a cow to fit and i ended up like some of the pictures posted with a gap over on the driver side. Left it on the car when i traded in.


However the cover on the 2007 Z is different, more gun mental and might not be a bad option for people considering a change as i really like mine.

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Havent seen anyone elses close up before, but thats typical of most carbon I've seen bar the very expensive Varis/Seibon/etc type pieces which are pretty much perfect, but you pay for that ;)


Zed cut out does look a bit off, I suggest you speak to whoever sold it to you :thumbs:


Seibon and Varis don't belong anywhere near the same paragraph, let alone sentence :)


But Chris is right, some weave imperfections are a bit normal


Do you mean Seibon and Varis arent anywhere near the same quality? I thought they were about the same. You know me better than to assume I was on about Varis/Seibon making strut covers though ;) I was simply saying that until you step up to the sort of costs involved with owning their stuff, CF is generally pretty cheapy quality and cant be expected to be anywhere near perfect. My Vairs CF front lip is a work of art though B)

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