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Skid pan this week!


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Time to hit the skid pan again. My work is so anal about health and safety that we get our driving assessed every year. They also do theory courses both for the car and the motorbike which is actually much more beneficial than it sounds.


Anyway, every two years we get skid pan training. Mine is on Wednesday afternoon for two hours. It's always good crack and you always learn something! They do a little bit where they let you go wild and drift round a cone course at about 60! Not bad getting it for free. :thumbs:



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My defensive driving is up to date however I'm doing the m/c theory soon..... The instructor (for driving and motorcycle) is in my local bike club and is a rather swift rider so it will be funny to see what he says about bikes! :lol:



It will be a knackered old astra or something we use, it was last time. It's still bloody good fun though!


I can think of worse things to do for free! ;)

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That was good. It was a new Astra on the jockey wheels. It was a great afternoon though. Got about 2 1/2 hours in the car which was nice.


Had good fun drifting about when the exercises were complete. The instructor was ace too. Great afternoons work! :D

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That was good. It was a new Astra on the jockey wheels. It was a great afternoon though. Got about 2 1/2 hours in the car which was nice.


Had good fun drifting about when the exercises were complete. The instructor was ace too. Great afternoons work! :D

Now all you need to do is organise work like that everyday. Dreams..... we have dreams......

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