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New speed cameras


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Best thing about these is if you get stuck behind a slow car (read OAP, LEANERS)you car overtake them at any speed you dam like past a school, over a child and as long as your average is below the limit your good! :angry: These do not save lives in every situation and should be only used where COMPLETELY justifiable!


I think cameras like these should be kept to a motorway and set to a sensible limits based on conditions and traffic flows! Such as 90mph when clear, good condition road and reduce accordingly to say 50mph as traffic builds, light fades etc!


Or like you say, why not chase the muppets who flout the laws completely and cost us even more money!


Worst thing about all of this is... same story over and over and over and nothing gets done about it! Time to start a revolution!!

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Not really bothered.


Ive come to the conclusion that this government and police authorities have lost the plot when it comes to "reducing casualties". These cameras are invariably forward facing, leaving the most vunerable (and most likely to be involved in fatal accidents) group, the motorcyclist, unchecked.


They are nothing more than a cash generation system. If they cover the entire road network in these, and nobody ever speeds again, they will be sat with millions of pounds worth of redundant assetts, and a massive funding hole to fill.


As has been demonstrated over and over again, the fines imposed for driving without a license are often cheaper than paying for insurance and road tax in the first place. This is yet again, another nail in the coffin for the honest driver, and a green light for those that drive without the necessary documents/licenses.


The establishments attitude toward cash generation from the motorist is becoming quite the joke now.


I also wonder how they will cover entire areas with these systems while still abiding by the recommendation that cameras should only be placed in accident blackspots - or is that recommendation now to be thrown out in favour of higher revenue returns from these devices?


This will certainly show beyond doubt that the cameras are certainly not to protect lives but generate cash instead.

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I dont know how many times I have to see "motorway cops" or something else similar and see someone stopped without a licence, insurance, tax or mot, get stopped.


What punishment do they get... A ban! And this deters them how exactly? They havent got a licence.


What about the chinese guy stopped in a recent episode, wife and kid in the car, and no licence. They impounded the car, and advised that he would have to pay £140 or something to get it back - he was stopped again by chance only a couple of hours later back behind the wheel.


Sometimes they get fined too - but it doesnt take a genius with a calculator to work out that the fines and impound fees are cheaper than paying insurance, tax & MOT every year. Until there is a real detterent for people who drive illegally, it will still be a massive problem. Whos the mug for paying almost £2k a year to drive two cars legally, while illegal drivers get a few hundred quid fine at best?

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  Kennydies said:
  mec said:
wonder when we'll need to have direct debits to the pay fines...


To be honest it is not the fines that bother me, it is the points on my licence.


It is so easy to get 12 points and loose your licence now.


You've stumbled on a good gov money maker, more fines could be issued if we have 12+ point licences :)

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  Chesterfield said:


What about the chinese guy stopped in a recent episode, wife and kid in the car, and no licence. They impounded the car, and advised that he would have to pay £140 or something to get it back - he was stopped again by chance only a couple of hours later back behind the wheel.

Yeah I saw that. Appauling! They should have crushed his car second time. Then again, he would probably just buy another and still be quids in!


I think anyone without a license, insurance etc, should have their car crushed and be made to do motorway clean up/litter picking :thumbs:

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I agree about the un taxed drivers etc.


IMO although it would take a mass operation it would be very easy to take out a VERY large number of these. With the ANPR cameras they have they could easily do a single day attack on all major cities and probably wipe out a good number of them.


That said until they sort thier FLAWED ANPR system so its synced with insurance databases properly its a dangerous move. Why in this modern each insurance company can't update the DB every hour - rather than being days behind is anyones guess. Screw that minute it should be up to sync, hey we make sure the trading floors up up to date every second across the world.


But of course that costs money without "reducing accidents" so its not in their interest.

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