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Black box in your car?


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I was flicking through a handbook of another car last night (yes I know sad) and on a section regarding the engine management system it said that in the event of a collision or near collision a Jaguar dealer could download information such as how fast you were going, if you and/or passengers were wearing seatbelts, if you were applying brakes, if you were applying accelerator etc etc. It said they needed the owners permission to gather the info unless requested by a law enforcement officer.


I didn't realise they could do all that! Is this a common thing on modern cars now?

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The McLaren F1 road car (I know it's a bit different) used to log and automatically send to the factory so they could monitor and I believe, have tweaks ready to suit the driving style next time someone saw it.


Pretty cool if used like that. Crap if they say - you thrashed it, warranty won't cover it!

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I was thinking more if you were going to say something along the lines of "yes officer I was doing 60" but the information in the car's brain says something else!


Dont think the police are allowed to access this yet unless it is part of a larger investigation. Only time will tell though. If the government have their way we will all have GPS trackers to assess road tax, its a very simple progression from there to passive speed monitoring :wacko:

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