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Lewis V Kimi In-car Footage


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That gives a real drivers view of what goes on (awesome) Also get to hear the revs which shows that Lewis got back on the power but let Kimi in front before throwing him a dummy to get past. As already said what about Kimi getting some advantage from staying on the run off area, shouldn't he be penalised at the next race?

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Great find! Seems to me that Hamilton's assestment of "I had no where else to go" was spot on. Further, he clearly went easy, not accelerating as hard as he could, left Kimi buy, Kimi tried to block him (isn't that a penalty? has been in the past), and Hamilton got by. Kimi simply was outpaced and outdriven (and I am a Ferrari fan as I mentioned in the other thread)

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On another note - in Hungary, they switched thelayout of the grid so as to ensure that pole position had the "clean" side of the grid (change was made shortly before the race).


In Spa the grid remained as standard, with the pole position on the more damp/dirty side of the track requiring a shift across to get the racing line.


Obviously at one of these races there was a Ferrari on pole, and at the other a Mclaren. No prizes for guessing which manufacturer was on pole when the grid was switched for the benefit of said pole.

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This is what Kimi said:-

"I don't care what the stewards said, as far as I was concerned, Hamilton let me by as we passed the pits", said Raikkonen in Geneva today. "I got ahead, I tried to defend the position and the race was on again. My car was for sure very difficult on the prime tyres in the rain and Lewis got by me into the hairpin. That was that."

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pulled this off the other site, very funny and bl@@dy right too :lol:

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  Chesterfield said:
Do you have a link to where Kimis statement s is posted?



There's no comment even remotely like this on Kimi's site.


Anyway, there's a few things to note from that amazing in car footage.


1. The reaction times from both Kimi and Hamilton are incredible. It really sets them apart from the Sunday drivers at the tail end of the field.


2. The Ferrari is a pig in the wet and they're lucky Massa finished at all to give them some points.


3. It sounded like Hamilton was at full tilt coming out of the bus stop. I couldn't detect a change in engine note when he let Kimi by. This, I think, is what the stewards called an advantage. He didn't noticeably back off to reposition himself.


4. Kimi should never of gone left to block Hamilton with a right handed hairpin ahead. Hamilton simply could not over take on the left. It reminds me of the same thing Massa did a few weeks back.

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