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WARNING! Contains very strong language, over 18's only


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A Priest is walking down by the sea near his Parish one day and comes upon a man fishing, whom he knows from his congregation. Before the man can see the Priest he catches a fish and yells out "Got you, you fcuker!"


The Priest admonishes him for his language, but not wanting to have to pay penance on his next visit to church, the man tells the Priest that that's the name of the fish. "It's actually called a 'Fcuker Fish' Father.


That's the species of fish." He says. The Priest says he didn't know that and apologizes for jumping to conclusions.


The priest then asks if he can have a go fishing himself. Only seconds after putting the rod in the water, he catches a fish himself. "I've got a Fcuker too!" he yells, then wraps it in paper and heads back to the church where he meets his Bishop.


The Bishop compliments him on the fine looking fish and the Priest say "Yes, I caught the Fcuker myself." The Bishop is shocked until the Priest explains that this is what the fish is called. Then the Bishop offers to fillet the fish for the Priest.


The Bishop and Priest they go to the kitchen where a nun has the job of cooking for them. After exchanging greetings she asks why they're there.


The Bishop says, "Actually sister we need a sharp knife so I can fillet this Fcuker." The sister is absolutely beside herself until it's explained to that this is the name of the fish, whereupon she offers to cook it for all their dinners.


So as luck would have it, the Pope drops by for a visit and of course, they invite him to stay for dinner. The Pope eats some of this fish and clearly loves it. He declares, "This is the best fish I've ever tasted.


It's wonderful. The young Priest then proudly tells him, "Thank you Your Holiness. I caught the Fcuker myself." Then the Bishop adds, "and I filleted the Fcuker." and the nun says, "and I cooked the Fcuker."


The Pope is completely silent for a few moments. He looks around the group very slowly, then pushes his chair back and pours himself a large whisky.


He produces a huge cigar from inside his robes, lights it, puts his feet up on the table and says, "Y'know, you cnuts are alright."

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