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Awful news, sorry to hear it. Hindsight is always 20:20.... :blush:


Hope they recover the car - they're pretty distinctive so I can't see it getting TOO far.


My recommendation is that if two come out in the car, make sure they leave their car / house keys at your house.....


At least it was only property and they didn't harm you.

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thanks for all the kind comments, having looked back at it and the events etc I shouldve seen it coming, perhaps i'm just too trustworthy.


CID have the CCTV footage from my driveway (2 cameras on car so have 20mins of footage of them) so who knows, maybe something will come of it. I imagine the car would've been found by now if it was too be. To be completely honest i'm not sure if i'd want it back now knowing what has happened. Just hope the insurance company dont get petty and offer me fook all.



Chris :)

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its done chris, dont even bother beating yourself up with the what if, at the end of the day everyone thinks this happens to other people not themselves, you would end up being very cynical if you looked at the worst case scenario for every event in your life


put it down to experience and move on mate, hope it all works out and the ins dont drag their heals



Paul :thumbs:

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  cfoster said:
yup, could've been worse, i could've had a knife pulled on me or even a gun, not too rare these days unfortunately :(.


Fingers crossed the insurance company will be nice to me and pay out. 350Z time then!! Just got to find one!!


Have the insurance company said they will pay out?


Fingers crossed for ya :thumbs:

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  cfoster said:
yeah i had the phone interview thing on friday and they advised they can't see a reason why not. Know doubt they'll try and pull a fast one though and try to get out of it!




I think they'll struggle to get out of it. TBH the person dealing with the claim will be more concerned with knocking the price down than with not paying at all. Only problem will be getting what you think the car is worth. All the best anyway :thumbs:


I'm surprised the car hasn't turned up somewhere :wacko:

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yeah they havent really got any reason not to pay, I have footage of them stepping in the car with me when going for a test drive, and later in the evening when i was picked up, the police turning up etc. CID are involved as well. Value wise they are not listed in Glasses or Parkers so will go by the value on the street. None in the trader or anything with the same mileage that was less than mine was up for sale for!! Pinkies crossed!!

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