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Range Rover Vogue Photoshoot.


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Well, whilst i was in Aberdeen for Stew, i also shot a Range Rover Vogue,


there are not as many shot for this series as the sky was sooo pale and kept burning out or just being to plain for ever photoshop to play with.


but i hope you like them.


















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Ha ha! The pics turned out good!


Not sure my dad will appreciate the offroadness of his pimp mobile but it is a refreshing change seeing a rangie outside an office or on the school run!


I'm glad I never cleaned it either as I think it looks better dirty! :lol:




Thank goodness for air suspension too.......

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Looks good chap, your portfolio is growing nicely.


With respect to the sky burning out all the time, that seems like a perfect chance for a bit of exposure bracketing and some HDR shots. Thats exactly what HDR is designed for :thumbs:

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  ARphotographs said:
yeah chris i know but if the sky is grey, then it will just be grey when you use HDR aswell.


the sky really was just 1 colour, i tried some HDR on these and the sky just stayed the same.

Fair do's. With HDR the sky shouldnt be burnt out any more (i.e. over exposed past the limit of light for the sensor), but agreed it will just be grey, just slightly duller! lol. Most of the time with HDR you can take a short enough exposure (underexpose it) to eek out the details in the clouds which you can then merge to the properly exposed image to give more detail and no burnt out bits. But as you say, grey is grey!

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