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I think my internet connection is southern....


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Well gay, but beavis told me it's one and the same thing! :p


Anyway, my internet connection keeps kicking me out. It's SO annoying.


I changed the modem earlier this year to try and sort it but think it's the line side.


I have tried it on my laptop, my works laptop and Jaynes Laptop. All connect and work but all get kicked off.


It's flipping annoying and it does stop me using it so much.


Any ideas on mwhat to do? Modem firmware upgrades? Beat crap out my internet supplier or just throw the laptops out the window?


It's a netgear flashy light modem if that helps!

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ah the old 'netgear flashy modem' issue :) lol


firmware on the modem might be worth looking at, but it could be a problem with your line at the exchange or the filter your using, the plasticy non flashing wall pluggy in thing :p


if you can get a different face plate for where the physical connection comes into the house then try that, there only a few quid and can improve the connection dramatically, you want one that has a broadband filter built into it so that the phone and broadband can both go into it, assuming you dont have cable


Most of netgear stuff, certainly the newer is fine for home use.

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I just don't want to throw money at the problem if the line is the cause.


Maybe I should also call the BT engineer to get him to look at it and tell me 'everything is fine at our side' again.

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I just don't want to throw money at the problem if the line is the cause.


Maybe I should also call the BT engineer to get him to look at it and tell me 'everything is fine at our side' again.


Yeah get it checked out first stew, mine was for use with cable anyhow. But i will never part with money again on a netgear product. ;)

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my bt homehub seems to like to update without warning, so it chucks me offline and doesnt come back for a couple of hours,


i figured out how to fix my issue, i unplug it, then re plug it back into the mains :D


yeah someone help stew fix it, he needs to keep me busy to avoid doing college stuff.

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Stew, well worth getting bt to check the line, also worth checking yourself that the phone works at the same time you get kicked off from broadband,

if you can hear noise on the line then that can cause you issues.


the netgear usually has a log of whats happening if you want me to take a goose :)


the filter we use is http://www.adslnation.com/products/xte2005.php



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Hmmm just had a look at the settings and it looks like wireless and firmware are from like 2005 or something.....


Anyone know where I can get an update..... and how to do it?



You'd never guess I had a technical job..... :lol:

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I have the exact same Netgear as you and had the same problem. Should get the firmware upgrade on the Netgear site under support or downloads, you'll then need to be plugged into the device, type the address into an IE window and i'm pretty sure there's a firmware upgrade option in there somewhere. I can give you a shout when i'm home if your on msn from 5.30.

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I've had Netgear for years with very few problems, so lets not go blaming the hardware shall we!


On the matter of better filters, yes they will get you a quicker connection, but it should not effect the rate at which the connection is dropped unless you are very very far away from the exchange. If you want to up the speed of your connection (assuming you are on ADSL Max) then try one of these, they are the daddy of all filters: http://www.adslnation.com/products/xte2005.php . Saying that, it shouldnt cause your connection to drop less, it should just make it faster (ADSL Max will increase connection speed until it gets dodgy, then drops it again slightly to make it stable.)


Right, just reading through the manual so bear with me on this. Try connecting to the web interface for the router (going to assuming you are running it as is out of the box - username: Admin, password: password). Find the Logs section and post up what it says (obviously blank out any sensative info in there if there is any).


BTW my half day rate is currently £600, invoice in the post



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Also well worth upgrading the firmware after reading the other posts, so grab it from


http://kbserver.netgear.com/release_notes/D103244.asp (dated Jan 08)


Its dead easy to do, just make sure you are wired into it rather than wireless as a drop in the connection over wireless can sometimes cause problems with upgrades.



Then post the logs :)

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the filter can make a difference to the connection dropping chris,


ive seen it at a few sites where the frequency for BB and the frequency for voice are to close and the line drops temporarily when it touches the bottom.


your right in that it can give you a possible broader range for data (and quicker) but will also give a more stable connection.

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the filter can make a difference to the connection dropping chris,


ive seen it at a few sites where the frequency for BB and the frequency for voice are to close and the line drops temporarily when it touches the bottom.


your right in that it can give you a possible broader range for data (and quicker) but will also give a more stable connection.

Interesting. Didnt realise the frequencies they used for Data and Voice could be that close. Muppets :doh:


ADSL Nation XTE-2005 filter is the don and will sort out any problems there.


You'll also need a IDC punch tool for the connectors on the back of it. Maplin do them for a couple of quid in store, this is the sort of thing, only its more expensive (cant find the cheap one on the site) http://www.maplin.co.uk/Search.aspx?cri ... ce=15&SD=Y

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i could be really sad an get you a graph from the zen lines we use/support.


i think maybe im referring to the bt/zen adsl max lines more than standard broadband though,

Does seem a bit dodgy, but I wouldnt put it past them to eeek out every last kpbs from the creeking network!

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I've had Netgear for years with very few problems, so lets not go blaming the hardware shall we!



Well i have had 2 netgear routers and they have bothed failed me, one was a total disaster and should never have been put into manufacture. ;)


And some of the firmware updates actually made the router have a shorter life. :scare:


And because of that i will never buy one again.Linksys all the way. :yahoo:





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