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Idiot driver


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Exactly, he was driving without insurance, so therefor had no respect for the rules in the first place, so why on earth should we expect him to obey the ban.


Get caught driving while disqualified, and guess what your punishment is - disqualification. Whoop de doo.


I think they should start inflicting penalties like removing access to the internet, or taking away their television license or part of their giro, etc etc. I dont know quite how it would work, but a punishment that actually inflicted some sort of pain.


Even custodial sentences arent really a deterent, they are like bloody holiday camps, perhaps even better conditions than they live in anyway!

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Justice system is screwed up.


I'd love to see harsh punishments.


I was run into by a disqualified driver. Was on his third charge of being caught while banned. The time before he had served 30 days in prison so when he was caught when I reported him (and a few hardcore guys I know made sure he didn't go anywhere) I was told he would likely get 6 months.


What a waster. He was just a tink and I honestly don't think any punishment would have taught him a lesson as the guy simply could not give a 5h1t!

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Whats the point in banning someone that thought he was above the law anyway? Stick him in jail for 2 years. He'd soon see the value ininsurance and respecting the police.




Or chuck them in the army! Make somethin of them and make them work!

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Now thats a great way of punishing them. Takes some balls to put yourself on the front line, and hats off to those who do it.


The only problems I could see with that is that these idiots would then probably end up endangering the lives of others who have chosen to be in the army whereby they could end up getting someone killed.


The other is you would never get Shami Chakrabarti from Liberty off the bleeding telly if anyone dared suggest we actually punish people. Never mind send them to the front line where they could get shot.


God forbid we actually inflict some form of punishment on people that deserve it. It's because of people like her and their namby pamby attitudes, that we have this culture of "couldnt give a toss" in the first place.


Of course what we should be doing with these people is sitting them down with tea and buscuits, discussing why they feel opressed by the laws of the land and what we can do to help them through their troubled times.

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