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Just thought I would share with you my personal opinion of this outfit.


Look on their website and just about every item is listed as "available to order".


Its not until after your credit/debit card has had the money taken that you receive an email stating "we are currently waiting for a stock shipment to arrive. We anticipate your item(s) will be with you in 7-10 days."


No mention of working days, and also no mention that what they actually mean is something more like:


"We dont carry those items in stock, and we order them direct from Germany - when you ordered last Wednesday, that was a little late to get them on this Mondays Delivery, so they wont be coming on our stock order until next Monday. Which means you wont get them until at the earliest next Tuesday, which is, in their own salesmans words, a bit of a bummer."


Oh of course their website states everything is available to order, and no indication what-so-ever whether they are in stock or not.


And you get to phone an 0870 number for the pleasure of being told you wont be getting your items any time soon.


So my personal opinion is that you should steer clear of Europerformance if you want anything resembling a decent level of service.


PS. If anyone from Europerformance wants this post removed, then they should contact me - Ill give them my order number and if they can get it to me by the weekend Ill take it all back. Other than that, try improving your website and your service levels.




PPS. Im not saying what the bits are Ive ordered, its another surprise for Rob (H5) when he sees the car :lol:

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No - its called taking their adverts etc on face value and expecting something resembling a decent service.


On another note, to balance out this issue, I ordered an addition to my cleaning kit on Tuesday and got that today - hopefully going to try it out later and can post the results :thumbs :)

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