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My Internet Explorer icon has renamed itself!


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Fo all you IT guys out there and any one with more knowledge about PC's than me, which is most people. My IE icon on my desktop has suddenly got the letters 'uu' attached to it instead of the old Internet Explorer. Every thing appears to be working normally, but could this some devilish spyware or something, or should I just forget about it?

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Could it be possible that you changed it by clicking twice slowly and typing u twice....


It's amazing the things you can do when on the phone, moving paper around etc.


I know the things I do as my desk is full of screens and stuff (I'm not an IT monkey though!)

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I have heard of files being renamed by programs to file.uu as it usually refers to a flag for something else to encode/decode the file.


Never heard of renaming a shortcut though, and although i wouldnt panic too much I think it would be worth running a quick scan




Above is a good online scanner which is currently the market leader in recognised threats, tho it will only tell you of the problem, not get rid of it, worth doing though.

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Thank god you don't have a job where you have your finger on a big red button Stew! :lol:


I can hit the red button for about 300,000 barrels per day of oil........


I don't have control over the rest.



Don't worry folks it'd be hard to do it by accident! :lol:

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Ok, I've run an AVG scan and that came up with nothing more sinister than a few tracking cookies. I also ran Simentec AV and that didn't show anything.


The problem I have now though is I have created a new shortcut from MSN, but I can't find how to get my favourites back. Any help will be much appreciated :surrender:

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