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Dash repair

The Hoff

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I was installing a new head unit over the weekend and managed to put a couple of minor scratches on the dash by the flip up cubby hole, they are not huge but I know they are there and it will really irriate me!


Whats the best method of getting this sorted out, can I buy a dash repair/touch up kit from somewhere or should I contact chips away or similar?


cheers, The Hoff B)

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Hi - Can you take some pictures and post them up please so we can see the extent of the damage? :thumbs:


Sometimes you can polish out scratches on inside surfices and sometimes you can only mask them with stuff like - yes - shoe polish but lets wait for the pictures?


I know what you mean about it annoying you my radio was refitted incorrectly its only 1 mm in and not flush but its bugging me just need to suss out how to take it out (slightly different to pre '06 cars?) without wrecking the dash! :headhurt:

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Hi - well guess what happend to me tonight yup while takin my Bose unit out I managed to scratch my bleedin cubby door also!! Justa teeny one thank goodness anyway if you cross ref my post on that


http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic ... 192#218192


But long and short I have managed to hide it with nothing more than a black childrens wax crayon!! :yahoo:


Rub the crayon into the scratch until the level of wax builds up a little - then spit on your finger (sorry of your eating supper now!!) and rub across the scratch gently it will eventually hide the damage - even the hard plastic in the door grab handles in drivers side.


Give it a go - it wont hide massive gashes but its worth a shot worked for me - good luck! :thumbs:

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Hi - well thats the same kind of damage as mine and it fixed mine -(although not as bad as yours) because they are those tiny dots - it gets in between and hides the scratch.


Let me know how you get on - trouble is that is a thin vinyl embossed sheet that is bonded to the plastic shell and your not going to reproduce it unless you want to go for the 1940's MG crackled dash look - which you can do with that special paint. There are compaines that will fix the dash - they replicated the pattern but for the cost its not worth the money ?


Where are you located? If your nearish to Manchester I can pop over and do it for you, if you like? Failing that just pop down to your nearest poundshop and buy a set of crayons - put it this way for the cost involved its got to be better than staring at those scratches! :thumbs:



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Well I popped down to Wilkos earlier and have just tried the Crayola crayons out [other wax crayons are also available].


Went for the black crayon, lightly rubbed the crayon on to the effected areas building up a small layer of wax then gently rubbed the excess off with a finger. Seems to have done the trick very well! Thanks Stanski :)


Where it was just the grey vinyl thats was stratched its alomst completely invisible to the eye now but the bad bits where the plastic is actually dented will never be prefect, still look a lot better though. Will post some pics in the week.


Thanks again, Hoff B)

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Nice one mate - I tried a dark grey crayon but it did'nt seem to do the trick but black does ? odd eh?


I am still looking for other options re: paint or even Epoxy - will let you know once I have found what I need! :thumbs:


We might even find a solution to that dent of yours? :)

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